Direct Causes of Death in Road Traffic Accident Victims and Evaluation of the Efficacy of Three-Level Trauma Centers Activity in Chelyabinsk Region




Data on direct causes of death in road traffic accident (RTA) victims for Chelyabinsk region is presented for 2 periods, i.e. before (2008-2010) and after (2011-2013) organization of trauma center. Comparison of the level and structure of RTA death causes in two three-year periods showed no significant differences. Evaluation of the efficacy of trauma centers activity (2011 - 2013) that render medical care to RTA victims with multiple and concomitant injuries is performed. During three-year period of trauma centers activity the number of road traffic deaths resulted from multiple and concomitant injuries increased by 17.22%. No statistically significant changes in the rate of three main causes of RTA related death (multiple and concomitant injuries, head and chest injuries) were noted during the study period. Achieved results confirm the necessity to elaborate and introduce the monitoring that will enable to evaluate the efficacy and quality of trauma centers activity at all steps of medical care rendering including patients’ transportation.


M. Moskvichyova

South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia

E. Shishkin

South Ural State Medical University, Chelyabinsk, Russia



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