Revision of Hip Endoprosthesis Acetabular Component without Removal of Previously Implanted Cup




Bone tissue deficit can be filled by various methods but all such methods increase the complicacy of surgical intervention and its volume that raises the risk of complications development. Experience in treatment of 77 years old patient with pains after revision hip arthroplasty is presented. Examination revealed wrong position of the stable acetabular component. Intraoperatively a decision was made to implant cemented cup without removing previously implanted one. That surgical technique enabled to eliminate pain syndrome, restore joint rotation center and biomechanics, to decrease intraoperative trauma, avoid use of allograft and conduct patient’s rehabilitation at terms common to primary joint replacement


N. Zagorodniy

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

K. Bukhtin

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia


G. Chragyan

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

S. Kagramanov

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia

Kh. Galaev

Central Institute of Traumatology and Orthopaedics named after N.N. Priorov, Moscow, Russia


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