Treatment Results for Patients with Proximal Humerus Fractures




Surgical treatment results for 135 patients with proximal humerus injuries are presented. According to AO classification type A fractures were diagnosed in 86 (63.7%), type B — in 44 (32.5%) and type C — in 5 (3.8%) patients. In 53 (39.3%) patients osteosynthesis with devices elaborated at clinic were used. Treatment results showed that in young and middle aged patients with good bone tissue quality with type A fractures T- and L-shaped fixatives and elaborated at clinic device that provided interfragmental compression should be used. In patients with type B fractures and low bone density either sparing synthesis by Weber — Muller or elaborated at clinic device with blocking screws and in patients with type C fractures — either synthesis with pins or primary shoulder arthroplasty were recommended.


Результаты лечения больных с переломами проксимального отдела плечевой кости


E. Nabiev



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