Low Back Pain Syndrome in Athletes and Ballet Dancers: Spinous Ligaments Pathology




Experience in diagnosis and treatment of 32 athletes, ballet dancers and circus actors aged from 15 to 25 years with lumbosacral spine spinous ligaments pathology is presented. In 12 cases pathology of subspinous and in 24 cases of interspinous ligaments was diagnosed. Acute injury of spinous ligaments and ligamentopathy was diagnosed in 6 and 26 patients, respectively. Complex diagnosis included clinical-neurologic examination, ultrasonography and thermography. All patients were on conservative treatment: therapeutic physical training using special individual complex, massage, curative-analgesic blockades, injections of platelet-rich plasma, injections of sclerosing solutions in Baastrup syndrome, injections of nitrogen-oxygen mixtures into paravertebral muscles, use of vascular drugs and stimulating therapy. Analysis of the obtained results confirmed high efficacy of the proposed methods for the diagnosis and treatment of lumbosacral spine spinous ligaments pathology in athletes and ballet dancers.


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