Vol XII, No 4 (1904)

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On the question of the innervation of the movements of the pupil

Chirkovskiy V.V.


In the next group of experiments, we studied the question of reflex dilation of the pupil with irritation of sensory nerves after overloading n. optici inside the skull, wishing to supplement the observation of the operated animals presented in the first section of the work. Of this group of experiments, only in some of which photographic registration was applied, in experiments relating to the early period of our work, we used the usual measuring method. As in other groups, we do not present all the experiments here, since many gave completely similar results, but we will present only the most valuable, typical ones.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):1-57
pages 1-57 views

To the casuistry of progressive paralysis (several cases with acute and prolonged course)

Dedov G.A.


Having put an end to the cases of acute progressive paralysis, let's move on to cases of the same disease with a long course.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):58-83
pages 58-83 views

The therapeutic value of hemorrhage in the suffering of the nervous system

Sobolevsky A.V.


According to Gowers, during the apoplexy attack itself due to hemorrhage, the task of therapy is to create conditions conducive to stopping bleeding, lowering blood pressure in the arteries, in particular in the cerebral vessels, and to eliminate those conditions that lead to an increase in arterial pressure.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):84-126
pages 84-126 views

About multinucleated sympathetic nerve cells

Georgievskiy I.V.


In 1834, at a meeting of the Strasbourg Natural-Historical Society, Lauth made a report on the results of his research on the organization of the nervous system, in which, it seems, the first mention of the presence between the nerve fibers n. sympathici of round accumulations of granular substance, similar to that found in ganglia intervertebralia.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):127-145
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Prof. M. N. Lapinsky. About degeneration and regeneration of peripheral nerves. - Kiev, 1904

Vorotynskiy B.


The work is divided into 4 chapters. The first chapter is devoted to a literature review of the issue of degeneration of peripheral nerve fibers. The next two chapters contain a description of the finest structure of the peripheral nerve according to the latest literature data and on the basis of the author's own observations. The last chapter presents the results of the author's experimental research on the question of the degeneration and revival of the nerve fiber in the peripheral nerve.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):146-149
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G. Deny et P. Roy. "Premature dementia". Paris. 1903

Toporkov N.


Between psychoses, which are usually observed, if not exclusively, in adolescence, there is a form that deserves special attention both in terms of its special properties, and in terms of frequency and severity. - This is dementia praecox.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):149-151
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R. T. Hald. Ein Fall von Veronal Vergiftung. (Centralblatt für Nervenheilkunde und Psychiatrie, 15 luni 1904). Veronal poisoning case

Boldyrev V.


Veronal, which has recently been recommended as a new sleeping pill and was sometimes given by some doctors up to 8.0 per day, in other cases, even in small doses causes unpleasant side symptoms with the nature of poisoning, in view of which voices have been expressed about the withdrawal of this dangerous drug from medical practice.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):151-152
pages 151-152 views

Chronicle and mix


— On November 25, Ivan Moiseevich Lvov, part of the avenue of Kazan University in the department of obstetrics and female diseases, died.

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):153-157
pages 153-157 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the next meeting of the Society on April 30, 1904

Kovalevsky P.I.


Prof. P. I. Kovalevsky and secretary V. N. Obraztsov

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):158-159
pages 158-159 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the regular meeting of the society on November 28, 1904

Mislavskiy N.A.


Prof. N. A. Mislavsky and secretary N. A. Donskov

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):159-159
pages 159-159 views

Chronicle of the Society of Neuropathologists and Psychiatrists at the Imperial Kazan University. Minutes of the administrative meeting of the company on December 5, 1904

Mislavskiy N.A.


Prof. N. A. Mislavsky and secretary N. A. Donskov

Neurology Bulletin. 1904;XII(4):159-160
pages 159-160 views

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