Vol XI, No 2 (1903)


About the commissural systems of the cerebral cortex

Yanishevsky A.E.


Before proceeding with the presentation of the results of my experiments, I consider it necessary to dwell on the technique of the operations performed by me and on some details of the methods of painting. When performing experiments with the transection of the corpus callosum, we had to meet with great technical difficulties in order to avoid damage to the adjacent parts of the brain.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):1-89
pages 1-89 views

Cross stitching of nerves

Levin I.A.


The question of the cross-linking of nerves of various functions has long occupied both physiologists and surgeons. The collapse of this question, according to Bidder's apt expression, could not be considered idle curiosity, but should have illuminated a number of important issues, for example, is the nerve an active or passive conductor.
The first work on this issue, Flourens'a, dates back to 1827; he stitched the central end of the 5th cervical nerve with a peripheral segment of the n-vi vagi.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):48-56
pages 48-56 views

Temperature Changes in Progressive Paralysis of the Insane

Sorokovikov G.V.


The progressive paralysis of the mad, striking, for the most part, people in the period of full bloom of strength and energy and taking away the best workers from society, has become so frequent over the past decade that it is already a scourge of mankind.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):57-83
pages 57-83 views

To the study of the influence of the cerebral cortex on pupil dilation

Mislavskiy N.A.


In a small article under the title "de l'influence de l'écorce grise sur la dilatation de la pupille", published in C. R. de la Société de Biologie 1887 r. No. 13 I reported the results of my experiments on this question. The appearance of my work was caused by disagreement in the results obtained by Voshefontaine, Grünhagen and Bessau, on the one hand, and Kachanovsky, on the other, and was aimed not so much at studying the localization, already known then, of the cortical centers of pupil dilation, but rather to clarify the very method of action of the cortex.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):84-89
pages 84-89 views

Bio-psychological parallelism

Radin V.P.


The content of biology is made up of generalizations of individual areas of natural science; it is neither zoology, nor physiology, nor botany, but all these areas, with their generalized content, are included in biology. Biology is, from this point of view, nothing more than the philosophy of natural science, if we agree to understand by this term an abstract and generalizing character inherent in the method and content of biology.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):90-143
pages 90-143 views

Report of the commission on the revision of a new sample of the history of the disease of the Vinnytsia Regional Hospital

Naumov I.I., Obraztsov V.N.


In October last year, the resident of the Vinnitsa Regional Hospital, Dr. M.M. , having sent a copy of one of the histories of the disease and an explanatory note, he turned to the Society with a request to give his opinion on the new sample.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):144-151
pages 144-151 views

Doktor Gimbal. Progressive paralysis and trauma to the skull with foreign body. Paralysie générale et traumatisme crânien avec corps étranger. ("Revue de psychiatrie et de psychologie experimentale" No. 9, 1902)

Portugalov Y.V.


Cases of progressive paralysis due to trauma to the skull with the introduction of a foreign body. The author describes the following case related to this category.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):152-153
pages 152-153 views

Treatment of arteriosclerosis in mentally ill patients with Trunecek inorganic serum. (Revue de psychiatrie, 1902 Novembre). L. Marchand

Korolko L.


The frequency of arteriosclerosis in the mentally ill prompted the author to test the effects of Trunecek's serum in various mental illnesses. Serum injections are painful, often chronic hardening remains at the points of injection.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):153-154
pages 153-154 views

Maurice Dide et Louis Chenais. Examination of urine and blood in patients suffering from premature dementia (Recherches urologiques et hematologiques dans la démence précoxe. Annales medico-psychologiqus 1902. Novembre-Décembre)

Korolko L.


The authors examined the blood and urine of 18 prematurely weak-minded people: 11 women and 7 men, and 16 patients suffered from a catatonic form of dementia. Regarding blood — in this article, only information about the volume of changes in the amount of white blood balls is given; they ascertained in 12 patients a significant increase in eosinophils — 3.4 per 100 (normally 1 per 100); the number of multinucleated blood balls was increased in 4, normally in 9 patients, decreased in 5 patients.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):154-155
pages 154-155 views

Serieux et Mas selon. Physical disorders in the prematurely retarded (Les troubles physiques chez les déments précoces. Annales medico-psychol. 11 and 12, 1902. Société medico-psych., Séance du 30 juin)

Korolko L.


Physical disorders in prematurely weak-minded people, very carefully studied by Krapein'om, are expressed in the following: an increase, sometimes very sharp, tendon reflexes, an increase in mechanical excitability of nerves and muscles; dilated pupils, especially during the period of arousal; uneven pupils; cyanosis, edema, dermographism; increased saliva and sweating; change in heart rhythm; lowering temperature; wrong menstruation; an increase in the volume of the thyroid gland; bulging eyes, trembling, anemia; sleep disorder, increased body weight.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):155-159
pages 155-159 views

On May 23, 1903, the professor of the Imperial Clinical Institute of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna Osip Osipovich Machutkovsky died

Obraztsov V.N.


The name of the late prof. OO Machutkovsky, well known to both neuropathologists and therapists. The deceased was born in 1845, received his education in the 2nd Kiev Gymnasium, and then at the University of St. Vladimir, where he graduated from the course in 1869. In the same year, he entered the service at the Odessa City Hospital, where he held positions up to and including the senior physician, and at the same time performed a number of other positions.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):160-161
pages 160-161 views

Chronicle and mix. Volume XI, No. 2 (1903)

Obraztsov V.N.


Ordinary Professor of Kazan University in the Department of Psychiatry, D.S. with. N.M. Popov was appointed professor of nervous and mental illnesses at Novorossiysk University.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):162-168
pages 162-168 views

The history of the society of neuropathologists and psychiatrists at the imperial Kazan Universityѣ-1902-3 year

Obraztsov V.N.


Chaired by prof. H. M. Ponov, with the secretary V. V. Nikolaev; attended by Messrs. acting members: R. A. Luriya, I. A. Klyachkin, N. A. Mislavsky, V. N. Obraztsov, A. S. Segel, D. A. Timofeev, A. E. Yanishevsky and guests of Dr. Perimov, Levin, Vishnevskiy, Borisenko, Donskov, Nebolyubov and a man about 10 outsiders.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):168-174
pages 168-174 views

The hero of Leonid Andreev's story "THOUGHT" from the point of view of the vryach-psychiatrist

Yanishevsky A.E.


Psychiatry, or, more precisely, psychopathology, occupies a separate position among other special sciences. Having her task to study deviations from a certain norm in the manifestations of the human spirit, she draws herself material from the analysis of extremely diverse phenomena that make up the subject of study of very many branches of the title.

Neurology Bulletin. 1903;XI(2):1a-31a
pages 1a-31a views

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