Study of pharmacological activity micronized purified flavonoid fractions of sea buckthorn meal

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Relevance. The research and comprehensive study of the therapeutic effects of flavonoids isolated from plant raw materials and waste products of its processing in modern conditions is becoming important. One of the available raw materials sources is advisable to consider the multi-tonnage waste of processing the fruits of buckthorn buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) - meal. The aim of the work is to investigate the pharmacological activity of the micronized form of the composition of bio-flavonoids of fat-free sea buckthorn meal causing the phleboprotective activity in vitro and in vivo in comparison with the Detralex® preparation. Material and methods. The micronized purified flavonoid fraction from the fat-free buckthorn buckthorn meal (MPFF S-BM) was obtained by extraction of a bioflavonoid complex from the fat-free meal with ethyl alcohol concentration of 90% in the Soxlet apparatus, removal of solvent from the extract under vacuum, washing of a viscous syrupy mass of vacuum concentrate with water in a ratio of 1:3, filtration and drying sediment, followed by ultrasonic micronization of the flavonoid fraction in a liquid dispersion medium at an ultrasonic radiation power of 50 watts. The therapeutic effects of MPFF S-BM were studied: in vitro - using specific enzyme biotest systems based on glutathione reductase, catalase and iNO-synthase - antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity, in vivo - on 30 male Wistar rats weighing 150-270 g according to the indicators of vascular-platelet and coagulation hemostasis. Results. With the help of specific enzyme biotest systems in vitro, it was revealed that the MPFF S-BM sample has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect. In vivo experiments have established that MPFF S-BM after a preliminary course of administration at a dose of 25 mg / kg causes partial activation of the hemostasis system in rats, accelerating the onset of the initiation phase of blood clotting. Conclusions. Further research by MPFF S-BM is of great practical importance, since it opens up the prospect of creating new drugs of phleboprotective action.

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About the authors

M. N. Shkolnikova

Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov; Ural State University of Economics


Dr.Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Biysk Institute of Technology (branch)

Russian Federation, Biysk, Russia; Yekaterinburg, Russia

E. V. Averyanova

Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov


Ph.D. (Chem.), Associate Professor Biysk Institute of Technology (branch)

Russian Federation, Biysk, Russia

E. D. Rozhnov

Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunov


Dr.Sc. (Tech.), Biysk Institute of Technology (branch)

Russian Federation, Biysk, Russia

I. A. Lupanova

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Author for correspondence.

Ph.D. (Biol.)

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


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