Participation of polyamines in the regulation of cell viability



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Relevance. The high content in the seminal plasma of men of the representatives of the class of polyamines (PA) - spermine (Sp) and spermidine (Spd), in comparison with other biological fluids of the human body, as well as changes in the concentration of PA with various impaired fertility, indicates the extreme importance of these biologically active substances for the male reproductive system. However, the functions of Sp and Spd in the ejaculate are poorly understood. From this perspective, the study of the ability of PA to participate in the regulation of germ cell viability seems to be a very topical issue. Objective: Compare the content of PA in the seminal plasma of men of different fertility and determine the relationship between the level of PA in the studied ejaculates and apoptosis in gametes. Material and methods. Ejaculates of 34 fertile men and 40 infertile were examined. PA was determined by agar gel electrophoretic fractionation. Apoptosis was determined by the externalization of phosphatidylserine (FS) on the outside of the sperm membrane. Results. A change in the concentration of PA in the seminal plasma and the relationship between Sp and Spd with a predominance of the first, as well as the presence of a larger number of apoptotic spermatozoa in the ejaculates of infertile men compared with fertile donors were revealed. A connection was found between the externalization of PS in gametes and the Sp concentration in the sperm plasma (r = 0,5; p <0,01). On a model of peripheral blood lymphocyte apoptosis model of 30 donors, it was shown that physiological concentrations of Sp and Spd reduce cell apoptosis, and large doses activate apoptosis. In this case, Sp. Realization of such effects is observed after 24-hour incubation of cells with PA. Conclusion. A change in the concentration of PA in the seminal fluid of men is one of the factors regulating apoptosis of germ cells.




M. Ploskonos

Astrakhan State Medical University Health Ministry of Russian Federation

Ph.D. (Biol.), Professor, Department of Chemistry

Abdullah Hilal

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Post-graduate Student, Department of Biochemistry n.a. academician Berezov T.T.


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