Comparative study of Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel needles essential oils from Baikal and Yakut populations



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Aim of the research. Comparative study of the composition of essential oil obtained from Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel needles from the Pribaikalsky and Yakutsky regions populations. Materials and methods. The objects of studying were Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel needles growing within Buryatia and Sacha (Yakutia) territory, collected during July-August, 2019. Essential oils from the pine needles were obtained using commonly used method - hydrodistillation in Clevenger apparatus. The content of essential oil was determined using volumetric method. The qualitative composition and relative quantitative content of the essential oils components were determined by gas-chromato-mass spectrometric method. Results. The yield of essential oils was 1.95-3.20%, calculated to air-dried raw material. The dominant components of essential oils from Pinus pumila were monoterpenoids: a-Pinene (20,3-42,2%), Camphene (2,2-4,0%), ß-Pinene (1,4-3,1%), ß-Myrcene (1,2-1,8%), 3-Karen (0,7-10,9%), Limonene (1,8-6,9%), ß-Fellandren (3,6-12,3%), Terpinolene (4,7-8,2%), a-Terpinyl acetate (3,6-7,3%); sesquiterpenoids: caryophyllene (2,7-4,3%), Humulene (1,4-2,5%), Germacrene D (0,7-2,1%), Y-Cadinene (0,6-2,2%), б-Cadinene (2,0-6,3%), Т-Muurolol (1,2-4,4%), a-Cadinol (1,5-4,7); diterpenoid cembrene (0,1-0,6%). Conclusion. The chemical composition of Pinus pumila (Pall.) Regel needles essential oilsgrowingon Baikal and Yakutiya territories was studied. A comparative analysis with literature data for populations of the southern boundary of the range is carried out, the influence of climatic factors on the content of dominant components is shown. Essential oil of cedar dwarf with a high content of a-Pinene is of practical interest for use in therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.




S. Erdyneeva

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian Branch of the RAS

Post-graduate Student, Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems Ulan-Ude

V. Shiretorova

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian Branch of the RAS

Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems Ulan-Ude

V. Taraskin

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian Branch of the RAS

Ph.D. (Pharm.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems Ulan-Ude

L. Radnaeva

Baikal Institute of Nature Management Siberian Branch of the RAS

Dr.Sc. (Chem.), Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Chemistry of Natural Systems Ulan-Ude


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