Assessment of bile activity of multicomponent plant extract «PENTAFIT»



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In the structure of morbidity and mortality of the population, liver lesions occupy a leading place due to an increase in the number of uncontrolled large-scale use of drugs, pollution of the environment with chemical compounds, alcoholic intoxications. Promising for the development of pharmacological correction methods for these conditions are multicomponent agents of plant origin, characterized by the breadth of therapeutic action, low toxicity and associated long-term use without the risk of developing side reactions. The advantage of multicomponent drugs is the mutual enhancement of the beneficial pharmacological properties of each incoming ingredient, the correspondence of the multivalence of the pathogenesis of the disease, the effect on the patient's body as a whole. The article presents the results of studying the bile activity of the multicomponent plant extract, under the conditional name «Pentafit»obtained from the following types of plant raw materials: of the roots and rhizomes of Inula helenium L. - 250 g, the herb of Centaurium ery-thraea Rafn. -150 g, theflowers of Tanacetum vulgare L. -100 g, thefruits of Rosa sp. - 275 g, the fruits of Crataegus sp. 225 g under carbon tetrachloride hepatitis model conditions. It was found that course administration per os «Pentafit» at a dose of 300 mg/kg to white nonlinear rats with carbon tetrachloride liver damage increases simultaneously the bile and bile function of the liver in animals. The bile effect of the extract in toxic liver damage is due to the presence in it of a complex of biologically active substances and, above all, phenolic compounds. The obtained research results argue the feasibility of using a multicomponent plant extract «Pentafit» containing biologically active substances of phenolic nature, in the complex treatment and prevention of liver diseases.




E. Ferubko

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Ph.D. (Med.), Head of Department of Experimental Pharmacology Moscow, Russia

S. Nikolaev

General and Experimental Institute of Biology, Siberian branch of RAS

Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Laboratory of Experimental Pharmacology Ulan-Ude, Russia

T. Dargaeva

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Professor, Chief Research Scientist, Department of Chemistry of Natural Compounds Moscow, Russia


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