Evaluation of the variability of some phenolic compounds in the dagestan samples of Teucrium chamaedrys L.



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For the first time, the results of the total content of some phenolic compounds of 70% water-ethanol extracts of the aboveground part of the Teucrium chamaedrys L. and the assessment of their variability depending on the altitude factor in the natural conditions of Dagestan are presented. The material for the study was collected during the flowering phase in 2013. The content of flavonoids and anthocyanins was determined by spectrophotometric method on SF-56. Total antioxidants - amperometric method. The content of accumulation of phenolic compounds in the aboveground part of T. chamaedrys varies in the range of 2.02-3.06% (the sum of flavonoids); 0.31-0.43 % (the sum of anthocyanins); 4.35-9.64 mg/g (the sum of antioxidants), depending on the population. The influence of the altitude factor on the accumulation of phenolic compounds showed a multi-vector direction, with a significant positive relationship between the altitude above sea level and the content of total antioxidants. In addition, a direct correlation was found between the content of flavonoids and antioxidants, which indicates the key role of flavonoids in the antioxidant status of T. chamaedrys. Statistical methods of analysis made it possible to reveal a greater difference in the variability of the content of phenolic compounds by populations than within populations. Based on the classification matrix, it was possible to divide all samples into separate isolated populations. The results obtained can be used both in the theoretical aspect (revealing the mechanisms of variability of biochemical parameters from abiotic factors), and in the applied meaning.




F. Vagabova

Mountain Botanical Garden, Dagestan Federal Research Center of RAS

Email: fazina@mail.ru
Ph.D. (Eng.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Medical Botany

G. Radjabov

Mountain Botanical Garden, Dagestan Federal Research Center of RAS

Email: chemfarm@mail.ru
Research Scientist, Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Medical Botany

A. Musaev

Mountain Botanical Garden, Dagestan Federal Research Center of RAS

Email: musaev-58@list.ru
Head of Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Medical Botany

F. Islamova

Mountain Botanical Garden, Dagestan Federal Research Center of RAS

Email: fatimaisl@mail.ru
Ph.D. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist, Laboratory of Phytochemistry and Medical Botany


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