Comparative assessment of the informativeness of determining the content of chemical elements in blood serum, hair (wool), organs and tissues of experimental animals



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The aim of the study. To study the informative value of diagnostic biosubstrates in determining the elemental status of experimental animals under physiological conditions. Material and methods. 72 healthy male Wistar rats were used on standard laboratory feed. The analysis of blood serum, wool, liver, kidneys, heart muscles, thigh muscles for the content of 25 chemical elements was carried out by the ISP-MS method. Results. Data on the content of 25 chemical elements in the studied organs and tissues were obtained, and correlations of the elemental composition of blood serum and wool and the main active depots of macro- and microelements (kidneys, liver, myocardium, calf muscle) were studied. A relationship between the content of As, B, Ca, Cu, Fe, I, Na, Ni, P, Se and Zn in a number of organs and tissues and both biosubstrates - blood and wool serum was established. The content of Al, Co, Hg, Mg, Mn, Sn, Sr and V in a number of organs and tissues correlated with their concentration only in the blood serum, and the level of K, Li, Si in a number of organs and tissues - with their amount in the wool. At the same time, a relationship between the content of such elements as As, B, Ca, Fe, Hg, I, Li, P and V in blood serum and wool was revealed. Conclusions. Based on the correlation analysis of the data obtained, it can be argued that the analysis of hair (wool) for the content of a number of chemical elements is an informative method for assessing the status of these elements in a healthy body and their deposition. The analysis of blood serum to a slightly lesser extent reflects the state of exchange of a number of elements compared to hair. The prospects of using wool analysis as a method of controlling the redistribution of chemical elements between organs and tissues are shown.




A. Skalny

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Senior Lecturer, Department of Medical Elementology


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