Correction of structural changes in immune organs by genus Silene plants extracts at experimental cyclophosphamid immunosuppression



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The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of Silene jeniseensis and Silene repens dry extracts on structure of mice thymus and spleen at cyclophosphamide immunosuppression. Materials and methods. The experiments were carried out on F1 (CBAxC57Bl/6) mice. Immune deficiency was simulated by a single intraperitoneal introduction of cyclophosphamide in the dose 250 mg/kg. S. jeniseensis and S. repens dry extracts in the dose 100 mg/kg were administered to animals for 14 days intragastrically against cyclophosphamide. Morphological studies of the thymus and spleen were performed on day 16 after the extracts administration. The lobule area, cortex and medulla widths, cells density and composition of the cortex were measured in the thymus. The relative area of the white and red pulp was determined in the spleen. Results. S. jeniseensis and S. repens extracts limited the development of destructive processes in the mice thymus: lobule area was by 23 and 20% higher, the cortico-medullary ratio was by 28 and 25% higher. Cells density was higher in the cortical layer, due to a decrease in the number of destructive thymocytes and an increase in the number of mitotically dividing cells, blasts and large lymphocytes. The white pulp total area increased by 27 and 16% against the background of S. jeniseensis and S. repens extracts introduction. The mantle and marginal zones formed in the lymphoid follicles, which indicates of the lymphocyte differentiation processes restoration. Conclusions. S. jeniseensis and S. repens extracts limited the development of pronounced involutive processes in the immune organs at cyclophosphamid immunosuppression.




V. Khobrakova

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS


Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Associate Professor, Head of the Laboratory

Ya. Razuvaeva

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS


Dr.Sc. (Biol.), Senior Research Scientist

A. Khalzanova

Banzarov Buryat State University


Post-graduate Student

D. Olennikov

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS


Dr.Sc. (Pharm.), Senior Research Scientist

B. Shobolov

Institute of General and Experimental Biology SB RAS


Post-graduate Student


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2. Fig. 1. Effect of dried S. jeniseensis and S. repens extracts on cell density in the thymus of mice during cyclophosphane immunosuppression

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3. Fig. 2. Effect of dried S. jeniseensis and S. repens extracts on the cellular composition of mouse thymus cortex during cyclophosphane immunosuppression: a - subcapsular zone; b - deep layer

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