Volume-sculptural restoration materials for restoring the appearance of biological objects during their long-term preservation (Review)




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The problem of finding restoration materials that have the necessary properties for their use on preserved biological objects still remains relevant in medicine (in particular, in forensic medicine, anatomy, thanatopraxy) and museums. This work summarizes information about materials used to eliminate volumetric defects in the appearance of biological objects, in particular, museum exhibits, anatomical preparations and bodies of the dead. Information has been collected on the composition of multicomponent plastics used in restoration.

It has been established that various types of materials for the restoration of long-term preserved biological objects, as well as many technologies and techniques for their use, are largely taken from the field of makeup and cosmetology techniques.

Natural polymers traditionally used in restoration continue to be widely used in restoration work on biological objects. These are plant, animal and mineral waxes, animal and vegetable glues, as well as natural resins. To create sculptural restoration elements, both homogeneous materials (for example, wax) and multicomponent plastic masses, consisting of several natural components with the addition of pigments, are used. Commercially available, ready-made restoration waxes are also used.

Recently, various classes of synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene glycols, polyurethanes, epoxy resins, dental plastics, tetrafluoroethylene-based copolymers, silicones, synthetic latex and others, have become widely used in volumetric sculptural restoration.

Separately, data on the restoration of objects from natural history collections of museums is summarized. In this area, completely different materials are used to eliminate volumetric defects in exhibits, often those that are more accessible and allow for rapid restoration of the appearance of a biological object. In the restoration of museum exhibits, cotton wool, paper, various sealants, mastics, putties, synthetic and natural polymers and many other materials are used.




Yu. Abramov

All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants

Email: abr1@list.ru
ORCID iD: 0009-0005-7009-5951

Ph.D. (Biol.), Leading Research Scientict

俄罗斯联邦, Grina str. 7, Moscow, 117216


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