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卷 22, 编号 6 (2019)


Experimental pharma Ex-Experimental pharmacotherapy of toxic hepatitis plant extract

Ferubko E., Dargaeva T., Nikolaev S.


Results of studying of anti-hepatotoxic effect of the plant extract presented in article. It is established that course introduction of per os of extract in a dose of 300 mg/kg a laboratory animal with tetrachlormethane injury of a liver has anti-hepatotoxic effect, surpassing effect of a karsil. On the basis of the obtained data it is possible to draw a conclusion that the received extract at course introduction on the specified scheme has the expressed anti-hepatotoxic impact, thanks to the property which is mainly stimulating disintoxication function of a liver. Under the influence of extract from early terms of injury of a liver the activity of enzymes decreases, the expressiveness of inflammatory reaction decreases, peroxide oxidation of lipids is oppressed, there occur also other positive changes which in total lead to the reduction of weight of pathological process expressed to acceleration of restoration of a liver and by that the structure of body is protected from rough destructive changes. Pharmacotherapeutic influence of extract at damage of bodies of hepatobiliary system is caused by existence in it of a complex biologically of the active materials and, first of all, connections of the phenolic nature. Thanks to their dominating contents stabilization of biological membranes with the subsequent increase in the functional activity of a liver is provided the inhibiting effect of plant extract on free-radical oxidation of lipids. The received results of researches reason expediency of use of the multicomponent plant extract containing biologically the active materials of the phenolic nature in complex treatment and prophylaxis of diseases of a liver.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):3-8
pages 3-8 views

Phytochemical investigation of compounds, obtained from Calendula officinalis L., growing in Samara region

Kurkin V., Afanaseva P., Kurkina A.


The pot marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis L.) are widely used in worldwide medical practice. The extensive spectrum of pharmacological activity of Calendula flowers (anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial, cholagogue, expectorant properties) is based on the presence of various classes of biologically active substances, namely carotenoids, flavonoids (glycosides of kaempferol, quercetin and isorhamnetin), saponins. This factor makes Calendula a highly promising resource of new herbal medicines. Nevertheless, in the literature there are conflicting data on the chemical composition of medicinal marigolds, which require an additional study of the chemical composition of pot marigold flowers. The aim of this study is thephytochemical study of compounds isolated from flowers of pot marigold, cultivated in the Samara region. Materials and methods. The object of the study was the flowers of marigolds, cultivated on the pharmacopoeial site of the Botanical Garden of Samara University. The chemical structure of the substances was established using the data of 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR-spectroscopy, UV spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. Results.Calenduloside K, which is a new natural compound and having the structure: 3-O - [(1 → 4) -ß-D-glucopyranosyl- (1→ 6)-ß-D-glucuronopyranosyl] -ß-D-glucopyranoside of oleanolic acid, was isolated using column chromatography from the Сalendula flowers sort «Kalta» cultivated in the Samara region), as well as 3-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside of isorhamnetin, 3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranoside of isorhaminein and 3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid. In addition, a diagnostically significant and dominant flavonoid narcissin was isolated from the Сalendula flowers. As a result of the carried out researches, saponin (calenduloside K), flavonoids (narcissin, 3-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside of isorhaminein, 3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranoside of isorhamnetin) and phenylpropanoids (3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid). It was determined that flavonoid narcissin (3-O-rutinoside of isorhamnetin) is the dominant and diagnostically significant flavonoid of Calendula flowers. In our opinion, it is advisable to determine the authenticity of flowers of Calendula officinalis by detection by TLC of narcissin, rather than rutin, as provided by the current regulatory documentation. Conclusion. As a result of the carried out researches, saponin (calenduloside K), flavonoids (narcissin, 3-O-ß-D-glucopyranoside of isorhaminein, 3-O-a-L-rhamnopyranoside of isorhamnetin) and phenylpropanoids (3-O-p-coumaroylquinic acid). It was determined that the analysis of the raw material «Calendula officinalis flowers» is expedient to be carried out by TLC method by detection of narcissin, taking into account its specificity, and also the fact that this flavonoid is the dominant one in this plant.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):9-17
pages 9-17 views

Determination of the rheological optimum oral gels

Bakhrushina E., Anurova M., Korneev M., Demina N., Krechetov S.


Oral gels are a promising dosage form, especially in pediatric and geriatric practice. They provide higher stability, dosage accuracy and dosage convenience compared with liquid dosage forms. The aim of the study was to determine the rheological optimums for 3 oral gels registered in the Russian Federation (Phosphalugel®, Pepsan-R®, Transulose®), based on the analysis of structural and mechanical parameters. Rheological parameters were measured on the coaxial rotation viscometer LamyRheologyRM 200 at a temperature of 20 °C with shear rates from 0 to 300 s-1. Approximation of the obtained results was carried out according to the Casson rheological model, as the most suitable for viscous-plastic systems with non-Newtonian flow type and yield strength. It was shown that the rheological characteristics of the studied samples lie in a wide range (yield strength from 7.42 to 70.5 Pa; plastic viscosity from 0.080 to 0.528 Pa*s), the lowest values of plastic viscosity and yield strength are possessed by the Phosphalugel® (0.080 Pa s and 7.42 Pa respectively), the largest - by the Transulose® (0.528 Pa s and 70.5 Pa). All drugs in the form of oral gels were highly thixotropic, had a pseudoplastic non-Newtonian type of flow. Basing on the obtained viscosity curves, a rheological optimum of oral gels was built. At a temperature of 20 °C, the optimal values of the dynamic viscosity of oral gels at a shear rate of 30 s-1 lie in the range from 0.56 to 4.94 Pa s, and at a shear rate of 300 s-1 - from 0.20 to 1.53 Pa s. Applicability of the obtained optimums was proven to be effective in designing oral gels based on mono- or polycomponent matrices. It is expected, that the following rheological approach to designing semisolid oral dosage forms will allow to produce dosage forms with optimal biopharmaceutical characteristics.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):18-23
pages 18-23 views

Chemical-toxicological determination of felodipine

Kvachakhiya L., Shormanov V., Sukhomlinov D.


Aim purpose. The search for optimal conditions for isolating felodipine, its purification and the development of methods for determining felodipine in biological material. Methods. The object of study is felodipine (3-ethyl-5-methyl-4- (2,3-dichlorophenyl) -2,6-dimethyl-1,4-dihydropyridine-3,5-dicarboxylate). Conducted research on the comparative isolation of felodipine from the biomaterial with fluids of organic nature, water and aqueous solutions of various reactions. To perform the experiments, model mixtures of felodipine and crushed liver tissue (particle size 0.2-0.5 cm) with a content of 0.05% of the substance were prepared. Acetone has been proposed as an insulating agent for the recovery of felodipine from biological fluids. For identification and quantification of felodipine in extracts from biological material have been proposed methods of thin layer chromatography (TLC), spectrophotometry, and chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC - MS) Results. It has been established that optimal conditions for the extraction of felodipine from biological material are achieved already with double infusion of a biological object with an insulating agent, if the mass ratio of the insulating liquid and the biomaterial at each stage of infusion is at least 2 : 1, and the duration of infusion is at least 30 minutes. Optimal purification conditions for felodipine were achieved in the macrocolumn of the Silaborus S-18 sorbent 30 μm in height 150 mm and 10 mm in diameter with elution of the substance with acetonitrile-water polar eluant (7 : 3). When the content of felodipine in the amount of 25 mg in 25 g of biological material, the developed method allows to determine 83.91-85.55% in the liver, 83.82-85.63% in the putrefactive liver of this substance. The openable minimum by the method (100 g of a biological object) is: 0.150 mg of the substance in the liver, 0.220 mg in the rotten liver. Conclusion. Thus, the technique can be applied in the practice of chemical-toxicological analysis to study the tissues of fresh and putrefactive corpse organs for the presence of felodipine in them.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):24-29
pages 24-29 views

The study of the physico-chemical properties of the substance darunavir ethanolate

Zolotov S., Demina N., Zolotova A.


The aim of the work was to study the physicochemical properties of darunavir ethanolate for the development of a scheme for the synthesis of a pharmaceutical substance and the creation of a domestic innovative dosage form. The following methods were used: differential scanning calorimetry, potentiometric titration, highly efficient liquid chromatography, capillary method for determining the melting point. The following parameters were determined: melting point, solubility in aqueous solutions and organic solvents, distribution coefficient, apparent distribution coefficient and dissociation constant. It is established that the substance is poorly soluble in aqueous solutions in the pH range from 1 to 12, soluble in a number of organic solvents. The distribution coefficient in the solvent system octanol 1 / phosphate buffer solution pH 7.0 was 292, the apparent distribution coefficient in the solvent system octanol / 0.1 N hydrochloric acid solution - 30.9. The dissociation constant was 2.02, the melting point is in the range from 74 to 78 °C. The obtained results were processed using Microsoft Office Excel 2016 software in MS Windows 7 environment. It was experimentally shown that the substance of darunavir ethanolate is lipophilic, the main site of its absorption by oral administration will be the intestine. To increase the effectiveness of the substance, the application of technologies aimed at increasing the solubility in aqueous media is promising. The article presents the results of the study of the physicochemical properties of the substance darunavir ethanolate antiretroviral action.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Receptors of vessel endothelial growth factor 1 and 2 type at significant interleukin-16 levels in the serum of the blood of patients with new bone formations

Babkina I., Gershtein E., Bondarev A., Soloviev Y., Boulitcheva I., Chernomaz I., Shchupak Y., Aliev M., Kushlinskii N.


Relevance. The results of molecular biological studies served as the basis for conducting a clinical study on the possibility of using antiangiogenic drugs in the treatment of bone sarcomas. Their mechanism of action is to inhibit tyrosine kinases involved in tumor growth, including inhibiting the binding of a key activator of neoangiogenesis of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) with its type 1 and 2 receptors (VEGFR1, VEGFR2), which leads to a decrease in vascularization and inhibition tumor growth. In addition to VEGF, other biologically active substances, including the interleukin-16 cytokine (IL-16), are also involved in tumor neoangiogenesis activators. Goal. Comparative study of the initial levels of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 receptors in the serum of patients with malignant, borderline and benign bone neoplasms with significant levels of IL-16 and their role in the bone sarcomas prognosis. Material and methods. We examined 138 patients with bone tumors (malignant - 106; benign - 10; borderline (giant cell tumor) - 22). The markers were studied by an enzyme immunoassay method in the blood serum of patients before the specific treatment with Biosource (USA) reagents - IL-16 and "R & D" (USA) - VEGFR1 and VEGFR2. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the program "Statistica 7.0". Results. Significant levels of IL-16 were detected in serum samples of 93% of patients with bone neoplasms. Differences in the content of IL-16 in the serum with regard to the morphological structure of the tumor was not detected. In typical osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma, serum levels of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 are significantly higher than in chondrosarcoma (p = 0.0003 and p = 0.00009; and p = 0.032 and p = 0.005, respectively). The serum levels of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 in patients with bone tumors were significantly higher at baseline levels of IL-16 <33.0 pg / ml than in patients with high levels of IL-16 > 33.0 pg / ml (p = 0.027 and p = 0.026 respectively). A significant direct relationship was found between serum levels of VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 (r = 0.34, p = 0.002). The overall 5-year survival in the entire group was 56%. The overall 5-year survival in the entire group was 56%. With a combination of IL-16 <33 pg / ml and VEGFR2 <11.3 ng / ml, the overall 5-year survival was 85%, whereas at high IL-16 values >33 pg / ml and low VEGFR2 < 11.3 ng / ml - it was equal to 25%. The overall 5-year survival rate in the presence of all high values of IL-16, VEGFR1, VEGFR2 in the blood was 67%, for all low values of marker - 78%. It should be noted that with a combination of levels of IL-16> 33.0 pg / ml, VEGFR1 <108.5 pg / ml, VEGFR2 >11.3 ng / ml and IL-16 <33.0 pg / ml, VEGFR1 >108, 5 pg / ml, VEGFR2 <11.3 ng / ml -the indicators of total 5-year survival were maximum - 100%. The worst outcomes of overall 5-year survival (0%) were observed with a combination of IL-16 >33.0 pg / ml, VEGFR1 >108.5 pg / ml, VEGFR2 < 11.3 ng / ml and IL-16 <33, 0 pg / ml, VEGFR1 <108.5 pg / ml, VEGFR2 >11.3 ng / ml. Conclusion. The results indicate the promise of conducting studies on the content of IL-16, VEGFR1 and VEGFR2 in the peripheral blood of patients with bone neoplasms for studying the possibility of their use as prognostic markers.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):36-43
pages 36-43 views

Comparative diffractometric characteristics of bone tissue, bone regenerate and natural calcium phosphate material

Nakoskin A.


The purpose of the work is to study the diffractometric characteristics of bone tissue, bone regenerate and calcium phosphate material obtained from bone tissue using various technologies. Material and methods: For the study, samples of calcium phosphate material from mature bulls bone tissue were obtained, healthy bone and a dog's distraction regenerate were studied. All samples were examined on a DRON-7 x-ray diffractometer. It was established that with age and with the maturation of the regenerate an increase in the crystallinity of the mineral phase of bone occurs, which indicates a decrease in the metabolic processes occurring in it. Resultate: High crystallinity may be a key factor in the cascade of reparative processes occurring during bone regeneration. With age and with the maturation of the regenerate, an increase in the crystallinity of the mineral phase of the bone occurs, which indicates a decrease in the metabolic processes occurring in it. Thus, the analysis of diffraction patterns showed that the main crystalline phase of the studied samples is hydroxyapatite with characteristic diffraction reflexes. At the same time, crystallinity is more pronounced in mature bone tissue compared to bone regenerate. This circumstance may indirectly indicate that during the physiological aging of the bone tissue, the crystallinity of the mineral phase increases. Conclusions: The composition of samples of bone mineral obtained in various ways is different, which indicates the importance of the procedure for obtaining. A common characteristic of the composition of the bone mineral is the low content of carbonate forms of hydroxyapatite, which is completely explained by the fact that in the process of obtaining these substances from the bone tissue, treatment with hydrochloric acid solution occurs. As a result, the carbonate ion is released as carbon dioxide. The crystallinity of the bone mineral is influenced by the volume of the solution from which precipitation occurs. The general trend is as follows: the greater the volume of the solution and, accordingly, the lower the concentration of bone mineral, the higher the crystallinity of the resulting product. In this regard, the use of calcium phosphate materials with high crystallinity will not contribute to the speedy healing of a fracture.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):44-49
pages 44-49 views

Increase in the anticonvulsant efficacy of midazolam during its microencapsulation

Judin M., Chepur S., Bykova A., Vahviayanen M., Subbotina S.


Purpose of the study. A comparative study of the anticonvulsant activity of microencapsulated forms of midazolame on the model of pentilenetetrazol seizures. Materials and methods. Anticonvulsant activity of midazolam and microencapsulated samples of midazolam based on alginate and polylactide-co-glicolide was evaluated on white outbred male mice on a model of convulsive syndrome caused by the intramuscular administration of pentylenetetrazole at a dose of 1 LD99. Results. It has been established that the inclusion of midazolam in polymer particles based on sodium alginate with a ratio of midazolam and polymer 1:9 contributes to an increase in the duration of the anticonvulsant effect and the protective action of prophylactic administration 5-30 minutes before poisoning. Findings. The advantage of sodium alginate-based polymer particles over polylactide-co-glicolide-based particles with respect to the anticonvulsant and protective efficacy of midazolam in experiments on mice is shown.
Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2019;22(6):50-55
pages 50-55 views
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