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卷 27, 编号 8 (2024)



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Pharmaceutical chemistry

Pharmacotherapeutic potential of plants of the genus Potentilla

Sergalieva M., Murtalieva V., Samotrueva M.


This review presents data on plants of the genus Potentilla. Some representatives of this genus, features of their distribution, as well as qualitative and quantitative composition are described. Scientific literature data on the pharmacological activity of plants of the genus Potentilla are presented. It has been noted that plants of the genus Potentilla contain amino acids, flavonoids, carbohydrates, saponins, tannins, fatty acids, polysaccharides, macro- and microelements, etc. It has been shown that extracts based on plants of the genus Potentilla exhibit a wide range of effects: antiulcer, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, immunostimulating, etc. The information presented in the review demonstrates that to date, plants of the genus Potentilla have been studied fragmentarily; among the representatives of the genus, most species are unstudied. The most studied, both in Russia and abroad, are P. alba, P. erecta, P. recta and P. anserina, which provides prerequisites for a more detailed study of the chemical composition of other species of the genus Potentilla and requires additional research into the pharmacological action of extraction preparations based on them. Thus, the available scientific literature data proving the rich phytochemical composition and wide range of effects of plants of the genus Potentilla argue for the prospects of their further study and the creation on their basis of medicinal and parapharmaceuticals for modern medicine and pharmacy, as well as the use of cinquefoil species in the pharmaceutical and food industries.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):3-12
pages 3-12 views

Comparative characteristics of the quantitative content of polyprenols in substances derived from Ginkgo biloba L. and Picea abies L.

Antipina А., Popov N., Baranov M., Myasnyanko I., Savintsev S., Balabanyan V.


Introduction. Polyprenols are known as a class of natural long-chain isoprenoid alcohols, which are fat-soluble antioxidants and natural bioregulators that directly participate in the synthesis of glycoproteins of cell membranes. Their hepatoprotective activity is proven, as well as other types of their pharmacological effects are known, which is the reason of significant interest in these substances as a promising medicinal product. The main sources of polyprenols are coniferous trees (various types of spruce (Picea spp.), fir (Abies spp.), pine (Pinus spp.)), as well as Ginkgo biloba L.). Preparative isolation of polyprenols from plants is carried out by extraction based on the difference in solubility in two or more organic solvents.

Aim. Identification and comparative quantitative assessment of polyprenols in substances derived from Ginkgo biloba L. and Picea abies L. according to the author’s method in Savintsev’s laboratory.

Material and methods. Identification of polyprenols in substances was carried out using proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), mass spectrometry (MS), and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The quantitative content of polyprenols was determined using HPLC-MS, a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer was used as a detector.

Results. Polyprenols in substances were identified by 1H NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and high-performance liquid chromatography. Using HPLC-MS, the quantitative content of C70 – C100 polyprenols in samples of Ginkgo biloba L. and Picea abies L. was found to be 76% and 95% on average, respectively.

Conclusions. The predominance of shorter polyprenols in the substance of Picea abies L. compared to the substance of Ginkgo biloba L. can be suggested based on the results of comparative characteristics of the chromatographic peaks expression and the results of
1H NMR spectroscopy. The regulatory documentation can be prepared based on the results of this study for subsequent state registration of pharmaceutical substances and medicines of polyprenols derived from Ginkgo biloba L. and Picea abies L.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):13-21
pages 13-21 views

Studying the composition of the lipid complex Arctium lappa L. fruits by methods of chromato-mass spectrometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy

Babaeva E., Goriainov S., Burova A., Vandishev V., Ivlev V., Kalabin G.


Introduction. The pharmacopoeial medicinal raw material of burdock (Arctium lappa L.) are roots. The plant has recently been introduced into the crop into cultivation and the fruits are the sowing material. If the safety stock is not used, it can be used to isolate the lipid

The goal is to study the component composition of the lipid complex of burdock fruits.

Material and Methods. Burdock fruits harvest of 2012-2015 from the biocollection of the Federal State Budgetary Institution All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (Central region of the Non-Chernozem Zone of the Russian Federation) were studied. The lipid complex was isolated with hexane and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and 1H NMR spectroscopy. Both methods are pharmacopoeial.

Results. It was established that the content of the lipid complex in the studied fruits was no less than 24.0%. The profiles and contents of fatty acids, tocopherols, sterols, triterpene alcohols, and lignans have been established. The saponified portion of lipids by triglycerides (98.9%) is represented, di- (0.7%) and monoglycerides (0.4%) in minor quantities are present. They include predominantly linoleic (59.9%), oleic (21.9%), palmitic (8.3%) and stearic (4.8%) acids. 3.5% of fatty acids by α-linolenic acid and other unsaturated acids with three double bonds are represented. Among the lignan fraction of the lipid complex, arctiin dominates (2.2%), the content of tocopherols, up to 70% of which δ-tocopherol (0.07%) is represented. Sterols and triterpene alcohols make up 0.7%, of which up to 64% consist of β-sitosterol (28.8%), Δ7-sitosterol (13.2%), cycloartenol (11.6%) and citrostadienol (10.8 %).

Conclusions. The fruits of burdock, cultivated in the Central region of the Non-Chernozem zone of the Russian Federation, are promising medicinal raw materials with a rich composition of biologically active substances.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):22-29
pages 22-29 views

Development and validation of a methodology for the analysis of ritonavir and lopinavir in combined dosage form by high-performance liquid chromatography

Mitina A., Illarionova E., Chmelevskaya N.


Introduction. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of pharmaceutical substances using reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography based on domestic hardware is an important stage in the approval of medicines. Drug «Kalidavir» is widely used in the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus. The developed methodology assumes significant advantages in comparison with foreign methods involving the use of imported equipment and standards from the United States recommended by regulatory documentation.

The aim of the study was to develop and conduct validation procedures for the quantitative analysis of ritonavir and lopinavir in the combined drug «Kalidavir».

Material and methods. The optimized parameters of chromatographic operations included the column size (75´2 mm), the choice of the polymer sorbent ProntoSil 120-5C AQ, as well as a binary mobile phase consisting of a 0.1% solution of trifluoroacetic acid in an aqueous medium and methanol, respectively, with a flow rate setting of 150 µl per minute and a column temperature of 35oC. An isocratic elution regime was applied, ensuring a continuous supply of eluent and the correctness of the analytical conclusion. Additionally, the injection volume of 2 µl and the determination of absorption at four wavelengths from the range from 200 to 240 nm were established.

Results. Retention times of ritonavir and lopinavir were 7.2 min and 11.9 min, respectively. Linearity was observed in the range from 0.025 mg/ml for ritonavir and 0.1 mg/ml for lopinavir and reached 0.5 mg/ml for both substances, with a good correlation coefficient (> 0.999). Relative errors according to the developed quantitative determination methods did not exceed 0.85% for lopinavir and 0.96% for ritonavir.

Conclusions. The methods of qualitative and quantitative determination of lopinavir and ritonavir in the combined tablet dosage form "Kalidavir" by high-performance liquid chromatography using domestic equipment have been developed and approved, which allowed to obtain sufficiently reliable and reproducible results.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):30-35
pages 30-35 views

Study of peculiarities of essential oil accumulation by the wormwood herb of the synanthropic flora of the Rostov Region

Selivanova Y., Dyakova N., Korenskaya I., Slivkin A.


Introduction. At present, there is a growing interest in the use of medicinal plant raw materials in the pharmaceutical industry as a basis for the production of medicines. However, the process of formation and accumulation of biologically active substances in plants is associated with a number of environmental factors, including anthropogenic.

The aim of the study was to investigate the peculiarities of essential oil accumulation in the wormwood herb harvested in the synanthropic flora of Morozovsky district of Rostov region.

Material and Methods. Fourteen points of raw material harvesting were selected to study the content of essential oil in it. Isolation and determination of the content of essential oil was carried out in accordance with FS.2.5.0033.15 "Artemisia bitter grass" and GPM. "Determination of the content of essential oil in medicinal plant raw materials and herbal medicinal preparations".

Results. All analyzed samples of plant raw materials were found to be benign in terms of essential oil content. The minimum essential oil content in one of the samples, only 0.01% higher than the lower numerical value set by the FS. This sample was collected along a country road with no traffic. The maximum amount of essential oil (0.44%) was obtained in a sample harvested in a control area devoid of anthropogenic impact and characterized by a large species diversity of medicinal plant raw materials represented by different groups of plants (trees, shrubs, herbs). In general, for samples harvested in urban areas, the essential oil content is low.

Conclusion. This suggests a negative influence of anthropogenic impact, as well as the peculiarities of the growing area on the accumulation of essential oil in the wormwood herb.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):36-42
pages 36-42 views

Biological chemistry

Volume-sculptural restoration materials for restoring the appearance of biological objects during their long-term preservation (Review)

Abramov Y.


The problem of finding restoration materials that have the necessary properties for their use on preserved biological objects still remains relevant in medicine (in particular, in forensic medicine, anatomy, thanatopraxy) and museums. This work summarizes information about materials used to eliminate volumetric defects in the appearance of biological objects, in particular, museum exhibits, anatomical preparations and bodies of the dead. Information has been collected on the composition of multicomponent plastics used in restoration.

It has been established that various types of materials for the restoration of long-term preserved biological objects, as well as many technologies and techniques for their use, are largely taken from the field of makeup and cosmetology techniques.

Natural polymers traditionally used in restoration continue to be widely used in restoration work on biological objects. These are plant, animal and mineral waxes, animal and vegetable glues, as well as natural resins. To create sculptural restoration elements, both homogeneous materials (for example, wax) and multicomponent plastic masses, consisting of several natural components with the addition of pigments, are used. Commercially available, ready-made restoration waxes are also used.

Recently, various classes of synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene glycols, polyurethanes, epoxy resins, dental plastics, tetrafluoroethylene-based copolymers, silicones, synthetic latex and others, have become widely used in volumetric sculptural restoration.

Separately, data on the restoration of objects from natural history collections of museums is summarized. In this area, completely different materials are used to eliminate volumetric defects in exhibits, often those that are more accessible and allow for rapid restoration of the appearance of a biological object. In the restoration of museum exhibits, cotton wool, paper, various sealants, mastics, putties, synthetic and natural polymers and many other materials are used.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):43-49
pages 43-49 views

Selection and evaluation of conservation conditions of Claviceps purpurea saprophytic lines

Volnin A., Bobyleva R., Tsybulko N., Savin P., Shtrom K., Myasnikova S., Bokhan A.


Introduction. Ergot Claviceps purperea plays an important role in health-care technologies. Accumulation of genetic resources of industrial pharmaceutical strains of parasitic ergot is the actual scientific problem. This work is devoted to development of selection and evaluation of conservation conditions of Claviceps purpurea saprophytic lines.

Conidiospores and saprophytic mycelium were frozen at –20 0C, after 10 months of storage and cultivated in Erlenmayer flasks on a liquid medium and on an agarised medium. Cryopreserved samples of conidiospores and mycelium retained the ability to grow and alkaloids biosynthesis in vitro.

Results. The best lines were selected from sclerotias of 3 parasitic strains and deposited in the form of axenic and saprophytic mycelium for long-term storage (ergotoxin ВКМ-F-2450-D-23-1, ergotoxin ВКМ-F-2450-D-23-9, ergotamine ВКМ- F-2641-D-S-2, ergocornam ВКМ-F-3662-D-22-5).

Sclerotia of ergotamine-producing strain had a level of alkaloid synthesis of 0.78 g/100 g, with an ergotamine content of 67.9%, and demonstrated of pigmented purple mycelium in axenic culture. Sclerotias of ergotoxin-producing strain – 0.76 and 0.59 g/100 g, containing 51.5 and 50.3% of the sum of ergocornine and α-ergocryptine, 20 and 22% of β-ergocryptine, respectively, both lines demonstrated sclerotia-like mycelium and alkaloids biosynthesis in saprophytic cultivation on agarised medium. Sclerotia of ergocornam-producing strain – 0.79 g/100 g, containing 18.2% of ergocornam and 24.6% of ergometrine, demonstrated pigmented purple mycelium in axenic culture.

Conclusion. Development of long-term storage biocollections, including cryocollections for organisms producing pharmaceuticals raw substances, creates the basis for technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation. It is reducing dependence on imported drugs and pharmaceuticals raw substances, including ergoalkaloids.

Problems of Biological Medical and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. 2024;27(8):50-58
pages 50-58 views