Сlinical and epidemiological characteristics of botulism




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Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of botulism in the Astrakhan region for the period from 2013 to 2019 are presented. 37 people with a diagnosis of Botulism were under observation. It was found that most often (28 (75.7%) cases) patients associated their disease with the use of canned home-made products. Canned vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, vegetable salad, eggplant, cabbage) were consumed by 18 (48.7%) people, mushrooms — 10 (27%), dried fish — 7 (18.9%), herring-balyk — 1 (2.7%) and home-made liver pate-1 (2.7%) patient. The incubation period in the observed patients was on average 2.4 days. It lasted 1–2 days in 24 (64.9%) patients, 3-5 days in 12 (32.4%) patients, and 6 days in 1 (2.7%) patient. According to the severity of the condition, 17 (45.9%) patients were hospitalized in the intensive care unit. Severe course of the disease was in 17 (45.9%) patients, moderate-in 20 (54.1%) patients. Early and persistent symptoms in all patients were marked muscle weakness, in 78.4% of patients — dizziness, in 83.8% of patients — difficulty walking and unsteadiness of gait. In 34 (91.9%) patients, the most pronounced symptoms were ophthalmoplegic: blurred vision, fog, «flies» in front of the eyes, inability to read the text. In General, up to 10 cases of botulism are registered annually in the Astrakhan region. Almost half of the patients (45.9%) have severe botulism. The disease is mostly sporadic and is associated with the use of canned vegetables and home-made mushrooms. In addition, cases of botulism associated with the use of dried fish have become more frequent in the Astrakhan region. Late hospitalization was observed in 1/3 of patients (11 (29.7%) cases) with botulism. This is due to untimely diagnosis at the pre-hospital stage and late access of patients to medical care.




Lelya Cherenova

Astrakhan State Medical University

Email: cherenovalp@mail.ru

Сandidate of medical sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Astrakhan

Anna Matsuy

Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital Named A.M. Nichogi

Email: gpg222@mail.ru

Head of department

俄罗斯联邦, Astrakhan

Igor Cherenov

Specialized Clinical Children’s Infectious Diseases Hospital

Email: cherenovigor76@mail.ru

Сandidate of medical sciences

俄罗斯联邦, Krasnodar


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