卷 17, 编号 4 (2020)



Old Uyghur Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī fragments preserved in the State Hermitage Museum

Kiliç Cengiz A., Turanskaya A.


Due to the publication of N. Pchelin and S.-C. Rashmann “Turfan manuscripts in the State Hermitage —a rediscovery” was published (2016), it became obvious that some some fragments of manuscripts and blockprints in different languages originally discovered during the four German Turfan expeditions (1902–1914) and later housed in the Museum für Völkerkunde (Berlin) for exhibition reasons, are preserved nowadays in the depot of the State Hermitage Museum. The present article deals with two Old Uyghur fragments of Sitātapatrā dhāraṇī blockprinted during the Yuan era. This paper presents codicological description of the fragments, and transcription, transliteration, translation and facsimiles of the preserved parts of text

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):5-23
pages 5-23 views

The Manchu-Chinese diploma gaoming (B 108 mss) from the collection of the IOM RAS

Pang T.


The imperial diploma in Manchu and Chinese (call number B 108 mss) is dated 1651 and is one of the earliest diplomas of this kind from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts, RAS. The diploma was issued posthumously to the parents of the Manchu statesman Wehe (Chinese name — Wuhei) as an imperial gratitude for bringing up a filial and virtuous son. His father Cakanai got two titles: doro de aisilaha amban and the same title as his son — jingkini hafan of the first gradewhile his mother from the Giyoro clan was given a title of unenggi hehe of the first grade. The publication of this diploma belongs to a series of publications of similar diplomas from the collection of the IOM, RAS.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):24-32
pages 24-32 views

Research works

On Docetic Christology in Early Christianity. Pt. 2.1

Khosroyev A.


According to the doctrine of so-called docetic Christology, earthly Jesus and heavenly Christ were two different persons; it was Jesus who suffered on the cross, Christ just entered Jesus’ body for a while and abandoned it before his death on the cross; consequently, the suffering of Christ was mere appearance. On the basis of some passages from Gnostic texts containing examples of docetic Christology, the author attempts here to trace the origin of that concept, starting with the New Testament (Pt. 1: Synoptic Gospels); in this part of the article, he deals with Paul’s and Deutero-Pauline letters (Pt. 2). To be continued.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):33-51
pages 33-51 views

Carrying out of Punishments Under the T’ang Dynasty Criminal Law

Rybakov V.


Every legal system includes, as one of its main elements, a system of the implementation of sentences issued by the courts. However, the administration of punishments is always connected with violence against people, and sometimes even with their execution. The extent to which such violence was restricted so as to be acceptable to the collective sense of justice is an eloquent characteristic of the very concepts of justice inherent in culture as a whole. This article uses the example of the Chinese T’ang dynasty criminal law to analyze what restrictions were provided by the traditional Chinese law for state violence against convicted criminals, and what penalties for government employees, who violated those restrictions.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):52-65
pages 52-65 views

History and historiography

Red and Black Marginalia in the Quran from Toledo

Tikhonova O., Shakunova L.


The Toledo Quran is the only manuscript in Aljamiado containing the full Quranic text. Manuscript T 235 differs from others by its significant number of marginalia in Arabic, Spanish and Aljamiado. The text is divided into parts—prayers, muqaṭṭa‘a, brief corrections, notes to the text—and features decorated letters and drawings. Marginalia are written in black and red ink. The distinguishing feature of the Toledo Quran is that red ink, while being used for the decorative purposes, has a wider range of significance (for instance, to highlight the sura’s title and the ayat order). The particularity of Quran in Aljamiado is the inclusion of exegetical comments, usually borrowed from tafsirs, into the text corpus. These comments are highlighted in red in the Toledo Quran.

Thus, the ink color of marginalia on the whole coincides with that of the text, without taking into consideration the usage of red ink in marginalia on pages 1–105r inclusive. The numbers of ḥizbs are in red as well as those of ayats. This color is used for decorative purposes.

The inconsistent usage of color for juz’s numbers allows us to make an assumption that the scribe could have made the decision about using the color in his own manner, without basing its usage on that which is employed in the manuscript he copied. Furthermore, the inconsistency in juz’s designation leads to a conclusion that text division was not copied from the original manuscript but introduced by the scribe. The corrections of exegetical comments are written in red as well as the comments.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):66-76
pages 66-76 views

The Menology of Lectionary D 227 from the Collection of the IOM RAS: Liturgical Reading for the Feast Day of the Placing of the Cincture (Girdle) of the Virgin Mary

Fionin M.


The article briefly describes the menology section of lectionary D 227 from the collection of the Institute of Oriental Manuscripts. In the 19th century, the manuscript belonged to the monastery of St. George Al-Humaira in Syria, where it was restored by monks. Unfortunately, the restoration was poorly done and some pages at the end of the manuscript have changed their position. The author explores the origin of the early liturgical reading from Lk 19: 1–10 (about Zacchaeus) on the church feast the Girdle of Virgin Mary. Не suggests that the reading about Zacchaeus (Lk 19:1–10) could have appeared in the Constantinople’s lectionaries of the 7th–14th centuries under the influence of the Jerusalem service.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):77-93
pages 77-93 views

Collections and Archives

“I’m Doing Well in the Center of Siberian World under Strict Police Supervision…”: F.I. Knauer’s Letters from his Tomsk Exile in 1915–1917 Part 2 (letters 8–21)

Gruzdeva E.


The article introduces the letters of the Professor of the Kiev University, Sanskrit scholar Fyodor Ivanovich (Friedrich) Knauer (1849–1917) sent by him to his colleague, philologist Vladimir Nikolaevich Peretz. They are now housed at the Personal Fund of V.N. Peretz in the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art (RGALI. Fond 1277. Inv. 1. F. 35). This set of letters is undoubtedly of great importance because, among other things, we have no other surviving epistolary heritage of the scholar. Revealing the author’s personality, the letters (there are only 21 of them) acquaint us to some extent with his inner world. Until recently, F.I. Knauer’s biography, especially the years of his exile, was full of blank spots which we can finally fill. The entire sequence of events relating to Knauer’s arrest, up to his arrival in Tomsk and life in Siberia, is presented by him as an uninterrupted narrative. The letters give us an idea of relations between the scholar, when he was out of favor, and his colleagues, friends, common people, local and higher authorities. They provide reliable documentary evidence of the terrible misfortune of a sincere person, who fell victim to a complicated political period.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):94-111
pages 94-111 views

“Innovative” Materials in the Conservation of Uyghur Manuscripts from the Collection of the Asian Museum in the early 20 century

Korosteleva K.


The major part of Old Uyghur manuscript and block printed fragments preserved nowadays in the Serindia collection of the IOM, RAS require conservation and preservations procedures. Discovered during various archaeological and research expeditions to Eastern Turkestan, as also purchased from the local people of Turfan oasis, these fragments were in urgent need of conservation at the moment they were transferred to the Asiatic Museum. As conservation laboratory and skilled staff were absent at that time the conservation procedures were conducted by the researchers of the materials. The article deals with the analysis of one of the methods used for preserving fragments which was used at the beginning of the 20th c.

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):112-117
pages 112-117 views

Academic Life

Conference “Current Problems of Buddhist Studies–9”. V.I. Rudoy’s 80th Anniversary (06.02.1940–29.08.2009) (St. Petersburg, February 26, 2020)

Ermakova T.



Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):118-120
pages 118-120 views


Review of the book: Herat M. (ed.). Buddhism and Linguistics: Theory and Philosophy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018, xvii + 191 pp. ISBN 978-3-319-67413-1 (in English).

Burmistrov S.



Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):121-128
pages 121-128 views

Review of the book: Walravens H. Eugen Pander und seine lamaistische Sammlung. Rekonstruktion der als Kriegsverlust geltenden bedeutenden ehemaligen Berliner Bestände. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2019, 230 pр. (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica. Series Major. VI). ISBN 978-4-906267-78-1 (in German).

Zorin A.


Review of the book: Walravens H. Eugen Pander und seine lamaistische Sammlung. Rekonstruktion der als Kriegsverlust geltenden bedeutenden ehemaligen Berliner Bestände

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):129-133
pages 129-133 views

In memoriam

Elena K. Brosalina (24.10.1931–17.10.2020)

Pis'mennye pamiatniki Vostoka. 2020;17(4):134-144
pages 134-144 views
