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Vol 17, No 5 (2024)

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Equipment for Nanoindustry

Development of a wide-field scanner-profilometer and new methods of hardness measurement for the first Earth satellite atomic force microscope in the world

Loginov B.A., Bespalov V.A., Obraztsov A.N., Loginov A.B., Loginov V.B., Khripunov Y.V., Shcherbina M.A., Sevostyanova D.A., Bogdanova D.S., Gorbachev R.G., Kondratyeva K.E., Lebedeva M.A., Mulgin A.A., Shevchenko D.A.


A new design of scanner for atomic force microscope-satellite is proposed and worked out. The scanner is intended to work for several years in autonomous mode in open space to study orbits for the content of micro- and nanoparticles of dust and is based on profilometer as one of the scanning axes. The microscope equipped this scanner is designed and tested for resistance to overloads up to 50g at launch, power consumption of no more than 1 W from solar batteries, resistant to streams of fast solar plasma ions, has a large scanning field of the open-to-space mirror for detection and study of particles falling on it even if their number is small. It is shown that the inductive sensor with linear drive used in profilometers with a linear drive of several tens of millimeters can be upgraded to a resolution of 1 nm, both in relief heights by reducing the magnetic gap and laterally by using ultra-sharp diamond needles with a tip of several atoms at the end. The use of a second linear actuator for the second coordinate provides line-by-line scanning of large areas with nanometre accuracy and with the number of dots up to 10 Gigapixels, while scanning one frame in a few days is quite acceptable for a space experiment lasting several years in autonomous mode. New methods of measuring hardness of bulk materials and thin films, which have a number of fundamental advantages and do not require any other devices in presence of profilometers or probe microscopes, have been developed when selecting the microscope mirror material. Mock-ups of the main units of the new scanner were manufactured and tested, which showed its performance in principle and made it possible to start patenting and manufacturing of the flight version of the autonomous space atomic force microscope, which claims to be "the first in the world".

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):248-258
pages 248-258 views

Electron accelerator for inactivation of horseradish peroxidase enzyme

Ivanov Y.D., Shumov I.D., Ableev A.N., Kozlov A.F., Vazhenkova E.E., Ziborov V.S., Dolgoborodov A.Y., Petrov O.F., Budnik S.V., Churyukin R.S., Novikov S.V., Tereza A.M., Archakov A.I.


Nanotechnology manipulates objects with characteristic dimensions of less than 100 nm. In this work, molecules of horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme with dimensions of the order of 5 nm are used as objects, and the device for their inactivation is an electron accelerator, which allows us to obtain electron beam with energy of 9.7 MeV. We demonstrate that upon an irradiation dose of 25 kGy, the activity of the enzyme decreased virtually to zero. The results obtained must be taken into account in the development of methods for sterilization of food and packaging materials for food and medical products.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):260-266
pages 260-266 views

Laboratory complex for obtaining colloidal photic-crystal structures. Part 2

Panfilova E.V., Diubanov V.A., Ibragimov A.R., Shramko D.Y.


. Colloidal photonic crystal structures are a promising material for nanoengineering. The goal of the work was to create a set of scalable equipment for the synthesis of monodisperse colloidal particles and the production of superlattices from them. The authors presented a description of the kit, the results of a study of the structures and formulated recommendations for the design of equipment and the implementation of technological processes.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):268-275
pages 268-275 views

FemtoScan Online software: from secondary to high School

Yaminsky I.V.


FemtoScan Online software, being a highly professional product for scientific research, has turned out to be a successful tool for educational activities in secondary and higher schools. In scientific research, FemtoScan Online provides the full range of necessary solutions for the collection, storage, analysis, processing and further application of experimental data from optical, electron and probe microscopy. The greatest value of the FemtoScan Online software lies in its wide capabilities for working with three-dimensional images from different perspectives, color scales using mathematical filters and operations, quantitative processing and clear visual representation. FemtoScan Online also provides the ability to work with two-dimensional data – diagrams, graphs, scans, etc. Photo processing can also be the focus of FemtoScan Online.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):276-280
pages 276-280 views

Development of micromechanical linear acceleration sensors and their serial industrial engineering

Zhukova S.A., Obizhaev D.Y., Ulyanov S.A., Zinoviev M.A., Riskin D.D., Suzdaltsev S.Y., Frolov E.N., Gantseva Y.A.


In SRC RF FSUE "Central Research Institute of Chemistry and Mechanics" has been developed a line of micromechanical linear acceleration sensors. The line includes sensors of three versions MMA-2, MMA-10 and MMA-30 with conversion ranges of ±20 m/s², ±100 m/s² and ±300 m/s² respectively. The sensors are intended for use as part of orientation, stabilisation and navigation systems in various products. The full range of tests confirming the declared technical characteristics and resistance to external influences has been carried out, and the operating design documentation for serial industrial engineering has been approved. The planned production value of these sensors is several thousand pieces per year.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):282-290
pages 282-290 views


Synthesis and stabilization of nano-sized magnesium carbonate with hydroxyethyl cellulose

Blinov A.V., Rekhman Z.A., Trushov P.A., Prasolova A.V., Yasnaya M.A., Bocharov N.M., Vakulenko M.V.


In this work, nanosized magnesium carbonate stabilized by hydroxyethylcellulose was synthesized by chemical precipitation in an aqueous medium. Magnesium acetate was used as a precursor, and ammonium carbonate acted as a precipitant. We optimized the synthesis technique, as a result of which we obtained a ternary surface that characterizes the dependence of the average hydrodynamic radius of nanoparticles on the input parameters. The microstructure of the surface of the obtained samples was studied by scanning electron microscopy and it was found that the sample was formed by rod-shaped particles from 2 to 6 μm in length, the particle size of which varied from 20 to 50 nm. A study of the phase composition showed that the sample consists of 3 phases with different types of crystal lattices. To determine the optimal type of interaction between magnesium carbonate particles and hydroxyethylcellulose, computer quantum chemical modeling was carried out. It was found that the process of stabilization of nano-sized magnesium carbonate and hydroxyethylcellulose is energetically favorable and the interaction occurs through the hydroxyl group. Also, to confirm the modeling results, the samples were examined by Fourier transform IR spectroscopy. Analysis of the results revealed that the interaction of MgCO3 nanoparticles occurs with the charged OH group.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):292-301
pages 292-301 views

Visualization of tobacco mosaic virus by atomic force and electron microscopy

Akhmetova A.I., Nikitin N.A., Arkhipenko M.V., Karpova O.V., Yaminsky I.V.


For nanoparticle synthesis, viruses have many advantages over other types of biomolecules, as they occur in a wide range of shapes and sizes and have diverse chemical functionalities. It is important that plant viruses are harmless to humans, and therefore are widely used in biotechnology. Tobacco mosaic virus is emerging as an interesting target for use as a nanotemplate and delivery vehicle due to its high aspect ratio, narrow size distribution, diverse biochemical functionalities on the surface, and compatibility through chemical conjugation. In addition, it is quite easy to synthesize tobacco mosaic virus, and its properties can be manipulated through genetic modification or heat treatment.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):302-310
pages 302-310 views

Nanostructured coating for reducing internal combustion engines toxicity

Sitdikov V.M., Dudareva N.Y.


The effect of a nanostructured coating formed by microarc oxidation on pistons of internal combustion engines on the exhaust gases toxicity has been studied. The role of nanoscale porosity in the mechanism of toxicity reduction has been revealed.

Nanoindustry. 2024;17(5):311-319
pages 311-319 views

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