Features of the criminal legislation of Russia for violation of the right to freedom of worship and religions of Russia in the XVII beginnings of the 20th centuries and judicial practice of application of its some provisions Kokorev Vladimir Gennadyevich. Position: assistant. Place of employment: Tambov s

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The relevance of the chosen subject of the scientific article first of all is caused by the fact that the right to freedom of worship and freedom of worship belongs to personal human rights and the citizen and now is reflected in provisions and norms of a number of international treaties and also the domestic legislation. Besides, in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation criminal protection of this right in Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation «Violation of the Right to Freedom of Worship and Religions» where during the research it is specified that this article of the criminal law provides protection only of freedom of worship, but not conscience is regulated. The shortcomings of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation expressed in particular in technical and legal designing of Part 1 as there is no legislative definition of «insult of religious feelings of believers» that leads to problems of judicial practice are emphasized. Article purpose - to define features of technical and legal designing of similar norms in the pre-revolutionary criminal legislation of Russia as, starting with the Code of 1649 and on the Code of 1903, responsibility for insult of religious feelings of believers in modern understanding and illegal hindrance to a church service and commission of other religious actions was provided and also to study judicial practice on these norms of pre-revolutionary Russia. The attention also is paid to features of restriction of this right in criminal law both modern Russia, and pre-revolutionary. The author draws a conclusion that the pre-revolutionary criminal legislation specified in more detail in what the crimes interfaced to insult of religious feelings of believers and hindrance of carrying out religious actions were expressed, and at restriction of the right to freedom of worship the attention was focused on the circumstances which served to transition of the person from Christianity (Orthodoxy) in other religion or an heresy.

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About the authors

Vladimir Gennadyevich Kokorev

Tambov state University named after G. R. Derzhavin

Email: pochta735@mail.ru
Position: assistant. Department: criminal law and procedure chair.


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