Some legal guarantees of investor protection under the new 2019 PRC “Foreign Investment Law” and China's intergovernmental agreements: comparison with some approaches of Russian law

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The article (in comparison with some approaches of Russian law to this issue) examines and analyzes the approaches of the new PRC law “On foreign investments” (No. 26 of March 15 2019) to the provision of legal guarantees of foreign investors investing in China from the expropriation (requisition) of their investments and the norms of Chinese relevant intergovernmental agreements. Some analysis of the practice of consideration of investment disputes concerning expropriation of the investments by China in the ICSID is made. On the basis of the presented material PRC approaches to the consolidation of the stabilization clause in the national legal order and intergovernmental agreements are analyzed. As an independent way (mechanism) to protect investors` rights the arbitration of investment dispute is studied; some material on the national arbitration centers of China is involved. The study is based on such methods of scientific knowledge as: general scientific dialectical, historical and of a comparative legal analysis. The author proceeds from the subjective-objective predetermination of processes and phenomena of the surrounding world. The novelty of the study consists in the consideration of the provisions of the new PRC law in the field of regulation of foreign investment with an emphasis on some ways of investors' rights protection through the prism of the existing practice of arbitration (ICSID) settlement. As a result of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the long-awaited new PRC law on foreign investment was adopted, but some issues that required solutions within the framework of previously existing laws in this area remained unresolved.


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About the authors

Ksenia Michailovna Belikova

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Dr of law, Professor. Position: professor. Department: Civil Law and Proceedings and International Private Law chair.


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