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The article reveals the essence of public danger of the crimes committed with the use of “fly-by-night companies” and describes briefly the prehistory of struggle against them, and also the purposes and tasks facing executive authorities on this way. The authors conduct the analysis of the changes brought by the legislator in edition of clause 173.1 CC RF and their influence on the statistics of condemnation of persons for committing this crime. It is paid attention to that the given result does not answer the purposes of a criminal policy in the sphere of struggle against the commercial organizations possessing signs of fictitiousness. In order to correct a current situation the authors of the article make the offer on enhancement of clause 173.1 CC RF by its transformation to the rule with administrative prejudice that should promote to decrease in its repressiveness.

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About the authors

Andrey Sergeevich Burtsev

Belgorod State National Research University

Email: burtsev@bsu.edu.ru
PhD at Law. Position: associate professor. Department: Law Institute, Criminal law and procedure chair.

Ivan Nikolaevich Arhiptsev

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

Email: ArhiptsevIN@yandex.ru
PhD at Law. Position: senior lecturer. department: Criminal -legal disciplines chair

Valentina Vladimirovna Ustinova

Belgorod Law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

Email: Valentina-ustinova91@rambler.ru
Position: lecturer. department: Criminal-legal disciplines chair.


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