The legal consequences of a minor act, evidence of crime

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The article proves that the question of legal liability for an insignificant act should be decided differentially. Criminal and administrative liability for its commission is excluded, while civil and disciplinary liability may apply (and at the same time). Such legal regulation of the legal consequences of a minor act does not correspond to the principles of justice. Government response to a less dangerous act (administrative offense) is stricter than a more dangerous minor act, since in the latter case the arsenal of means of influence is limited only to disciplinary and civil liability. To ensure administrative and legal response to insignificant acts, while not going beyond the framework established by the principle of legality, is possible only through the inclusion in the CAO RF of specialized norms providing for administrative responsibility for acts recognized as insignificant on the basis of Part 2 of Art. 14 of the Criminal Code.

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About the authors

Denis Yurievich Korsun

Soviet district prosecutor’s office

Position: assistant attorney. Rostov-on-Don


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