Delict liability of state bodies and their officials

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The article is devoted to the study of one of the most urgent problems of recent years, which affects the issues of responsibility of state bodies and officials, the form of its implementation, as well as the features and specifics of offenders who are subject to its involvement. In it, the authors attempt to define the concept of delict liability of state bodies and officials, to reveal its General, General features, to identify distinctive features and on this basis to formulate its definition. To a certain extent, the issues of the essence and purpose of this type of civil liability are touched upon. In the framework of the study, the authors state the growth of the practice of appeals of individuals and legal entities affected by violations of state bodies and officials. Analyzing the theoretical provisions, the authors pay attention to certain insufficiently resolved aspects of the studied problem and state the need for a single normative act that is supposed to regulate the delict liability of state bodies and officials. Purpose: to investigate the theoretical aspects of delict liability, to establish its relationship with the General concept of civil liability and to study the forms of its implementation in law enforcement practice. The study uses the following methods: review and generalization of research by other Russian and foreign scientists on this issue, statistical analysis, interviews, interviews of victims of violations of state bodies and officials, interviews with law enforcement and judicial officials. The scope of the results. The results of the work can be used in the prevention of offenses of state bodies and officials, in law-making activities aimed at improving delict liability, in the pedagogical practice of higher educational institutions, as well as in the educational process at law faculties.

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About the authors

Aisha Ansarovna Gadzhieva

Dagestan state University

PhD at Law. Position: associate professor. Department: law Institute, criminal law and criminology chair.

Magomed Yakhayevich Yakhyaev

Russian Academy of national economy and public service

postgraduate student.


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