Financial crime: challenges of today

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The article analyzes the main trends of modern financial crime and criminal law policy to counter it. Purpose of the article: This paper aims to investigate the current legal and regulatory acts, including those regulating criminal liability for crimes in the financial sphere. Analyze financial crime based on statistical data in this area and make appropriate conclusions necessary for the science and practice of law enforcement. Methodology and methods: The article uses General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction, induction, as well as the method of interpretation of legal norms, which allow us to identify and disclose the problems, as well as solve specific research tasks set by us. Conclusions: In the results of the presented research, the author concludes that the most serious challenges of modern financial crime are fraud using payment (plastic) cards, as well as theft committed directly by managers and employees of financial and credit institutions. The presented article does not pretend to solve all the debatable problems in this area, but rather attracts the attention of legal scholars, exacerbating the theoretical postulates. Scope of the results: This article may be of interest to students of higher educational institutions: bachelors, undergraduates, postgraduates and all researchers interested in this issue.

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About the authors

Anna Valerievna Serebrennikova

Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Dr of Law, Professor. Moscow, Russia


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