Legal regime of the management of mining waste



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Mining waste volumes increase every year and not only has a negative impact on the environmental, but only constitutes an enormous reserve of mineral resources, which have not been extracted due to technological imperfections. However mining waste may be an additional source of mineral resources when the mineral reserves is deleted. This article addresses the existing legal regime for mining waste management, legal acts in this sphere, which establish requirements for mining waste management and procedure for the provision of wastes for use. The article examines enforcement practices and determines the adequacy of existing legal regulation. The study leads to the conclusion that current legislation does not adequately regulate the management mining waste, including the procedures and conditions for the provision of wastes for use for extracting mineral resources. This leads to litigation and discourages active involvement this kind of waste for productive use, therefore improvement of legal regulation is needed.




Daniil Ignatiev

National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University»

postgraduate student of the department of natural resources and environmental law Moscow, Russia


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