Comparative analysis of criminal law regulation responsibility for theft in the form of theft


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Task. The relevance of work is conditioned by the fact that the basis of life in any society, regardless ofany features of social, political and economic nature, are, first of all, the benefits of materialnature. The results of expert surveys of law enforcement officers, whose official duties include the disclosure and investigation of crimes against the personal property of citizens (including, burglaries, theft of motor vehicles),show that about 66% of respondents faced facts when victims of theft in the form of theft spoke about their it is in great interest in returning the stolen property to them (or in obtaining a proportionate monetary compensation from the guilty). Criminal law plays an important role in protecting property from unlawful encroachment. The task of protecting property from criminal encroachments among the tasks of the criminal law among the tasks of the criminal law. The data of the official statistics of the GIAC of the Russian Interior Ministry clearly show that the prevailing part of the common crimes the theft. At the same time, the largest share is theft in the form of theft. The work on the basis of a comparative approach reveals scientific and practical problems in the field of criminal regulation of liability for theft in the form of theft. Conclusions and suggestions. On the basis of a comparative analysis of the past of the domestic criminal law (on the example of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 1922) and the modern Russian criminal law (the Russian Criminal Code of 1996 in the current version as of January 2020), legislative proposals for the improvement of Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the effectiveness of the fight against theft in the form of theft, including committed by a group of persons. Practical value. The main provisions of the work can be used in the criminal law training process, in further research work, as well as in legislative activities to further improve the criminal law on liability theft in the form of theft.

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Paul Bazarov

Scientific-research institute of the Federal penal correction service of Russia

PhD at Law. Position: researcher.


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