Features of monitoring of convicts who have not served a part of their sentence of imprisonment replaced with a milder type of punishment



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The article deals with the peculiarities of monitoring convicts who have not served a part of their incarceration replaced with a more lenient type of punishment. The purpose of the study is to achieve the most effective control over prisoners who have not been served a part of their imprisonment replaced with alternative punishments. When analyzing the practice and problematic issues in monitoring the category of convicts under consideration, we can conclude that it is necessary to study the convict's personality more thoroughly before making a decision on his release in connection with the replacement of punishment.




Tatyana Timofeeva

FSI Research Institute of the FPS of Russia

Email: ttan404@yandex.ru
Senior Researcher, Department 3, Research Center-2, PhD (Philosophy)

Lidiya Pitkevich

FSI Research Institute of the FPS of Russia

Email: lida-19832008@yandex.ru


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