To the question of the procedural status of the legal representatives of minors of victims, witnesses

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The article examines the participation of legal representatives of minor witnesses and victims, identifies practical problems, International legal norms aimed at protecting the rights and interests of minor witnesses and victims are examined in connection with the participation of the legal representative of a minor witness and victim during the preliminary investigation and in court; Consideration is given to the specific rules of criminal procedure relating to the participation of the legal representative of a minor witness and victim, and a comparative analysis of the criminal law. The procedural rules governing the participation of the legal representative of a minor witness and victim, and the rules governing the participation in criminal proceedings of the legal representative of a minor suspect (accused), a list of persons shall be examined, as set out in par. 12. 5 The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, indicating the practical problems encountered in the application of the above-mentioned rule of criminal procedure, also proposes the establishment of the status of the legal representative of a minor witness, Examples are given of investigative practice involving the legal representatives of minor witnesses and victims. The purpose of the study is to study the problem of the participation of the legal representative of a minor witness and of the victim in criminal proceedings, and to strengthen the regulations governing the concept of the legal representative of a minor witness, as well as the rights and obligations of persons representing the legitimate rights and interests of minors in criminal proceedings. The conclusions of the study are formulated provisions and proposed regulation of the newly introduced art. 562 The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation and, on the basis of a study, a supplement to art. 12, par. 5 The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, setting out the wording of the article in the authors' own vision.

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About the authors

Vasilii Ivanovich Didenko

Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

PhD (Law), Associate Professor, professor of criminal process chair

Ekaterina Anatolyevna Novikova

Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

PhD (Law), Head of criminal process chair

Kristina Igorevna Leonova

Belgorod law Institute of MIA Russia named after I.D.Putilin

adjunct at criminal process chair


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