Drug addiction as an element of the club subculture in COVID-19 conditions

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Task: to define the concept of drug addiction as an element of the club subculture, to consider and evaluate the effectiveness of restrictive measures taken by the state during the pandemic, to study the impact and influence of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture. Conclusions: this article defines the concept of drug addiction as an element of the club subculture, analyzes the influence of coronavirus infection COVID-19 on drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture, establishes the insufficiency of measures taken by the state to combat drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture in COVID-19 conditions. Significance: the analysis carried out in the framework of this study can be used in further research on this topic, as well as in the framework of improving measures to combat drug addiction, as an element of the club subculture.

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About the authors

Nadezhda Ivanovna Spiridonova

Southern Federal Unversity

Email: nadya050195@yandex.ru
postgraduate student of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology Faculty of Law Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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