Modern extremism and terrorism as a real threat to security in Russian society

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This article discusses the features of modern international extremism and terrorism in modern conditions. The author notes that the tragic consequences of highly resonant crimes of this nature of recent decades cause a real threat to the security of society and the state, which in turn requires, as one of the priorities, effective, legal regulation of the fight against these negative social phenomena. As the scale and wide geography of resonant crimes of an extremist and terrorist nature show, these crimes can potentially threaten almost any country, regardless of the level of social, economic development, state structure and military potential of the state. Therefore, the prevention of combating criminal activities of an extremist and terrorist nature should be systematic and continuous, covering all levels and areas of regulatory regulation, based on a nationwide set of countermeasures aimed at suppressing these types of crimes, as well as improving the practice of applying anti-terrorism and anti-extremist legislation. In this connection, in addressing the priority tasks of combating extremist and terrorist activities, it is necessary to rely on international experience, as well as joint, systematic and coordinated activities that allow developing a single set of preventive measures to prevent and an effective mechanism to counter international extremism and terrorism. In accordance with international treaties and agreements, the Russian Federation cooperates with many foreign states, which increases the effectiveness of comprehensive countermeasures against illegal activities of an extremist and terrorist nature, this interaction is carried out through bodies and services, as well as international organizations whose activities are aimed at prevention, suppression and the fight against these crimes. Law enforcement agencies, special services of both Russia and foreign countries are increasingly joining their efforts to develop effective measures to prevent, suppress and neutralize the activities of international extremist and terrorist organizations.

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About the authors

Anzor Anatolievich Zhamborov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Law), Associate professor at Fire training chair Nalchik, Russia


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