Risk of committing acts of illegal intervention on objects of a transport complex

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the nature and content of the risk of committing an act of illegal interference both at transport infrastructure facilities and at transport facilities, as well as to reveal its dual nature. Where we compare the subjective and objective components, the dangers (threats) and expectations of a significant socio-economic effect, multi-variation in solving the tasks and deviation from certain actions in achieving the goals. The article also presents the risk classification of vehicles used in activities of territorial bodies of the MIA of Russia on transport, consisting of risk protection of property from criminal attacks and risk of committing acts of unlawful interference, which in turn has a branched structure, which includes the risk of inaction, risk of a wrongful action, the risk of a terrorist act. Each of them is detailed and contains its own subspecies of risk. For effective risk management, it is proposed to use a risk passport, the content of which consists of an area, criteria, and measures to minimize risk. The article pays special attention to the consideration of the risk of committing a terrorist act on railway rolling stock, which is detected by the patrol service when patrolling and conducting operational search activities. The main tools for minimizing this type of risk are prevention, observation, orientation, warning, inspection and inspection with the use of technical means, information, the use of service dogs, and the use of drawings. The article also presents the features of the transport complex.

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About the authors

Lyubov Viktorovna Stolbina

Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin

Email: mosbell@mail.ru
PhD (Law), Deputy Head of the Chair of transport security Belgorod, Russia

Pavel Analolyevitch Volkov

Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin

Email: pavel77782@inbox.ru
PhD (Law), аssociate рrofessor at the Department of the Management and Administrative Activities Department of Interior Departments Belgorod, Russia

Yulia Yurievna Golubyatnikova

Belgorod Law Institute of Ministry of the Internal of the Russian Federation named after I.D. Putilin

Email: julia.golubjatnikova@yandex.ru
PhD (Econ.), аssociate рrofessor at the Chair of transport security Belgorod, Russia


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