Current trends in the development of extremism in social networks



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In the modern world, there is an increasing tendency to engage in extremist activities without direct physical communication. This is due to the spread of social networks around the world, and as a result of the increase in the amount of time spent by modern youth in the global Internet space. The relevance of this research topic is obvious, as social networks are the most favorable environment for the dissemination of extremism ideas. The target audience is youth, which is also the most active category of users of social networks. The purpose of this theoretical study is to analyze current trends in the development of extremism in social networks and assess the development of the further situation on this issue. The article provides practical recommendations for users of social networks that will avoid the negative influence of extremists.




Ayub Tokbaev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

lecturer at internal Affairs’ activities in the special conditions chair Nalchik, Russia


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