A set of measures to counter the spread of religious extremism among young people

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The aim of this study was to study a set of measures to counter the spread of the ideology of religious extremism among young people. This problem is now one of the most pressing, and its solution falls on the shoulders of law enforcement and national security agencies, both inside and outside the State. Objectives of the study: an attempt was made to better understand the essence of modern religious extremism in terms of the influence of globalization processes. Conclusions: A set of measures to counter the spread of the ideology of religious extremism among young people is implemented by law enforcement agencies and security agencies. However, in order to achieve greater results in preventing and combating the spread of the ideology of religious extremism among young people, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures, which should be initiated through electronic media - social networks, through the broadcasting of theological broadcasts exposing the content of the true goals of religious extremism. Such work is extremely important, as the stability existing today is extracted at a high cost - at the cost of the lives of hundreds of people - law enforcement officials, journalists, religious figures. It is very important to keep this calm. And for this purpose it is necessary: to carry out work aimed at popularization of traditional cultures of peoples living in the Russian Federation; Strengthen the activities of the National Anti-Terrorism Committees, Prosecutor 's Offices and law enforcement agencies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as intensify monitoring activities with a view to detecting radical ideologies in the Internet space and preventing its dissemination; Carry out awareness-raising activities aimed at the deradicalization of young people, involving former radicals who have deceived their hopes, etc.

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About the authors

Eduard Borisovich Nastuev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: shmv1978@yandex.ru
police Lieutenant Colonel, senior teacher of the Department of physical training Nalchik, Russia


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