Combating crime as the main activity of the district authorized police

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In the modern law enforcement system, district authorized police officers implement the main directions of the police in the territory of the administrative section and are the guarantor of the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. The preventive measures carried out by the district authorized police are aimed at ensuring public order and public safety. All forms of service by district police officers are designed to serve this purpose. Preventive detour of the administrative section allows you to obtain objective information about the state of crime in this territory, to identify citizens prone to commit crimes. In this article, the author focuses on the individually-preventive work of the district authorized police officers with people on preventive records. Based on the study, the author comes to the conclusion that the content and forms of individual preventive activities of the district police commissioners are not legally fixed. This allows the employee to choose the direction of prevention.

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About the authors

Marina Kadirovna Kumysheva

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

PhD (Law), police colonel, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law Enforcement Nalchik, Russia


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