Digital trust environment concept

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The author analyzes problems of formation and interpretation of the concept of a digital trust environment during the development of new technologies. The Russian and foreign approaches to defining the concept of a digital trust environment are analyzed, as well as approaches to establishing its key components. The purpose of the research is to determine the social role of trust through a comprehensive analysis of existing scientific concepts and to form a comprehensive definition of the digital trust environment. The author describes historical and philosophical concepts of understanding the concept of trust and its role in the existence of society and the state. A new definition of the concept of a digital trust environment is proposed. Understanding the concept of a digital trust environment is necessary to create a paradigm of trust in the digital environment and to create an appropriate law in this area. Results. The author makes a conclusion that the digital trust environment can be defined as the infrastructure of public relations that provides identification and authentication of subjects and objects, confidentiality and data security, as well as a high level of protection and protection of the rights of subjects of digital relations. The formation of the concept of a digital trust environment is the result of the informatization and globalization of society, but understanding the concept of a digital environment trust is impossible without a preliminary analysis of philosophical and ethical ideas about trust and related categories (faith, confidence, security, etc.). Due to the comparison of Russian and foreign approaches to defining the concept of a digital environment trust and establishing its key components the Author concluded that the digital trust environment is widely understood abroad as a general principle of secure cooperation. In Russia, the meaning of the concept of a digital trust environment is reduced to identification and authentication of subjects of public relations in the process of electronic interaction.

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About the authors

Ekaterina Dmitrievna Vornikova

MSU named after M.V.Lomonosov; JSC Spetsremont

postgraduate student of Lomonosov MSU Law School.; head of the legal department. Moscow, Russia


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