On the issue of reconstruction of subjective elements of the criminal situation in the detection and investigation of crimes

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It is well known that the main objects of forensic science include criminal activity and activities on investigation of crimes. In this connection, the investigator has to work with different situations that should be divided into several main groups. These include criminal situations and forensic situations. Situations in which a crime is prepared, committed and concealed are called criminal situations. In turn, situations that arise in the course of countering criminal activity are called criminal situations. In the article, features of formation and manifestation of criminal situations, their main varieties and subjective elements are considered. The concept and nature of system-situation analysis as complex and expert research of situation and circumstances of the event with the purpose of establishment of causal connection between the facts of the mechanism and circumstances explaining occurrence of harmful consequences which are in the constructive plan independent and static, that is exactly what they are at the moment of carrying out of inspection of a place of incident is considered in details. The article deals with the fact that there is a connection between the perpetrator and the object of attack and the place of commission of the crime, and the situation is staged in rare cases. This is because in this situation the main concern of the offender will be to minimize the quantity and quality of the traces left, by which he can be identified later.

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About the authors

Albert Hasanovich Kurshev

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Email: kurshev@mail.ru
Lecturer, Department of Fire Training Nalchik, Russia


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