Major aspects of establishing and implementing criminal liability for terrorist activity training



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Research objective. The present study aims at identifying and reviewing the problems of legislation, theory and practice that arose in connection with the introduction in 2013 of Article 2053 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the subsequent application of this criminal provision. This Article considers the formulation of reasoned proposals for improving criminal legislation in the counter-terrorism field and related law enforcement activities. Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, the author came to the conclusion that the requirement of legal certainty of criminal prohibitions as well as systemic linkages with other articles of Chapter 24 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on responsibility for crimes of terrorist nature as well as with the provisions of the General Part of this Code governing preliminary conspiracy and complicity in a crime, were not fully accommodated when supplementing the criminal law with this provision. The author formulated specific proposals and recommendations in order to resolve a number of problems encountered in this field.




Mariya Reshnyak

Moscow state university of international relations under the Ministry of foreign affairs (MGIMO University), Odintsovo branch

PhD (Law), Associate Professor, associate professor of Department of Criminal Law Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia


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