Problems of qualification of crimes under article 209, 210 of the criminal code of the Russian federation



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Organized crime, as shown by the criminological situation of recent years, occupies a leading position in criminal activity and is a serious threat to the normal functioning of the state and society. This type of crime in Russia occupies a special level, because crimes committed by an organized group are characterized by a high level of organization and represent an activity that has brought together a significant number of people who are professionally trained and well-armed. Organized crime in Russia is characterized by professionalism, a tendency to consolidate, its members penetrate into legal business areas, establish contacts with officials in various government structures, and constantly improve their organizational forms. The main purpose of this research is to conduct a comparative analysis of criminal law problems of such forms of complicity as criminal Association and gang, and the authors have developed recommendations for improving the criminal legislation of articles 209 and 210 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation. In the article, the authors reveal the problems of qualification of crimes under articles 209 and 210 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation. The study is devoted to the study of the qualifying circumstances of these articles, as well as signs that distinguish these two elements of the crime from each other. According to the practice materials, it is difficult for law enforcement officers to distinguish these compositions and classify a criminal act according to the articles. In this regard, this topic is relevant and the authors have proposed specific measures to improve the legislation.




Samira Akhmedkhanova

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

PhD (Law), Associate Professor

Rukiyat Salikhova

North-Caucasian Institute (branch) of RSUJ (RLA of the Ministry of justice of Russia)

master student


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