Legal literacy and legal education in the conditions of modern society: lessons of the all-russian emergency commission for the elimination of illiterness in 1920

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The purpose of the research. The article examines the activities of the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy in 1920, the origins of this activity, the understanding of the words "literacy" and "enlightenment" in different historical epochs, and also analyzes the main measures of this policy and related legal acts. Including the analysis of the Decree of December 26, 1919 "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", the creation of numerous committees, "cult staffs", the initiative of the population at the local level, a huge amount of literature published at that time. Based on the foregoing, special attention in the study is paid to the linguistics and language of those days, sources and works of art. In general, culture and its influence on the consciousness and worldview of Soviet citizens, attempts to educate a new person, laying a new cultural code. The aim of the study is to establish the relationship between the events of those days and the policy of legal education today, the modern Russian state, the influence of the Soviet experience in other countries, as well as on the present. Formation of a holistic picture of past events, taking into account their characteristics and an attempt to consider their applicability in the current state policy of the Russian Federation. Try to understand the current regulations on increasing legal literacy and developing legal culture, unique and specific for their time, as well as original for our state. Or they are in many respects similar to what the Soviet state did in the past, and the activities of the Cheka, in many respects, predetermined modern state initiatives to “strengthen” legal awareness. And if this is so, how different are they, what is there in common and is it definable? Results. The research showed that the educational program in many ways did not meet the expectations of the authorities, many decisions were made on the basis of necessity, in many respects to the achievements of the educational program, led by the people's initiative, taken up by the revolutionary "wave". This phenomenon is controversial, and its consequences were ambiguous. The educational program laid the foundation for the construction of the entire Soviet culture and people, a large-scale and significant historical event that determined the history of the homeland. In the study, they came to the conclusion that the state measures of that time are difficult to apply in the present, due to a different social state and thinking, different from the past. But we should not abandon the positive ideas of the past and search for ways to apply them in the current policy of legal education conducted by the Russian Federation

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About the authors

Anastasia Vladimirovna Biryaeva

Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev

PhD (History), senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and History of State and Law Saransk, Russian Federation

Artyom Alexandrovich Volchok

Mordovia State University named after N.P. Ogarev

student Saransk, Russian Federation


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