Influence of Physical Fitness on Shooting Technique of Students of Educational Organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

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The purpose of this study was to study the effect of physical fitness on the firing technique, which, as you know, consists of four components: making, grabbing weapons, aiming and lowering a trigger. And in order to learn the skills of good and effective shooting, a constant training is necessary, which is carried out with students in physical and fire training classes within the walls of educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The tasks of the study are to analyze the reasons for the formation of effective shooting skills. One of these key factors is the physical fitness of the shooter, which ensures the constant improvement of forms and methods for optimizing the quality of shooting. And the main problem that beginners face is blind adherence to instructions, that is, lack of autonomy. The main goal of training sessions with students is to educate them with courage, determination, initiative and resourcefulness in the formation of shooting techniques. Conclusions: we have established that when developing shooting skills, listeners are subjected to great physical and mental stress. In order to raise and hold the weapon in the position of manufacture, listeners require a high level of power stamina and stamina to static forces, which are one of the main motor qualities of the shooter, in whose activities there are all known types of fatigue: mental, sensory, emotional and physical. And by organizing training sessions with students, the training process must be built in accordance with the general patterns of training, the effectiveness of which depends on the experience acquired earlier. The focus of the physical training of shooters is to solve the problems of training - the confident and competent use of formed motor skills and shooting techniques, as well as improving the level and skill achieved.

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About the authors

Arsen Klimovich Kardanov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police colonel, PhD (Pedagogics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Fire Training Department Nalchik, Russia


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