Major Trends in the Fight Against Cyber Fraud

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The purpose of this study was to study the causes of cyber fraud and ways to counter it. Today in the global space there are many different threats - from hacker attacks to sophisticated fraudulent schemes. Cyber bullying is now a popular phenomenon and is widespread. The Internet space attracts criminal elements to commit illegal acts by its anonymity, accessibility, speed, and cross-border. According to experts, global cyber fraud schemes have caused huge damage to people and companies around the world and according to forecasts, their number will only increase in the coming years. This is especially true for financial crimes. The tasks of the study are to analyze the causes of the phenomenon favorable to the spread of this phenomenon. Thus, the improvement of global space has made it an enabling environment for fraudulent transactions. In part, there is the fault of the users of the global network themselves, who uncontrollably post personal information to their relatives and loved ones, thereby creating fertile ground for the theft of personal data, money and blackmail by fraudsters. People readily answer phone calls from banking and financial scammers, report their bank card data, install suspicious applications on smart phones, issue credit products in mobile applications, etc. Conclusions: we have established that the development of information technologies inevitably leads to the emergence of many new types of offenses, in particular cyber fraud, for the confrontation with which it is necessary to search for measures and relevant measures aimed at protecting personal data.

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About the authors

Mirzabek Khautievich Ordokov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

police major, lecturer at the Department of Fire Training

Elmira Tlostanbievna Shafieva

Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V.M. Kokova

Cand.Sci.(Econ.), Associate Professor of Higher Mathematics and Computer Science


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