On Some Issues of Preparation and Implementation of Special Events by Police Officers

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In the present article, the author has attempted to systematize and ground the basic notions connected with the definition of special operation and the most important factors of training of personnel for police officers’ service in the above-mentioned conditions. It is stated that a special operation is the main organizational-tactical form of internal affairs bodies' activity in extreme circumstances, in connection with which it is necessary to consider the complex of questions, connected with preparation and carrying out of special operations. The article considers distinctive features of management of forces and means of internal affairs bodies in emergency circumstances, as well as deployment of operational management bodies. It is important to understand such issues as level of managerial link, nature and scale of threat or occurrence of negative consequences ensuring preparation, organization and management of the most important, complex and large-scale special operations. And who can carry out operational management in such situations. Much attention is paid to the systematization and definition of functions for organizing continuous and reliable management and communication with the units involved in the special operation and the powers of the local administration (republic, territory, region, city, and district) in the above-mentioned situations. In the conclusion the author points out that, the effectiveness of all organizational and tactical work to fulfill the assigned tasks is directly dependent on the interaction of internal affairs bodies with internal troops and attached forces.

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About the authors

Sultan Khangerievich Cherkesov

North Caucasus Institute for Advanced Studies (branch) of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Cand.Sci.(Econ.), Police Colonel, senior lecturer of the firearms training department Nalchik, Russia


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