On the Question of the Legal Nature of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation

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The purpose of the research. The article examines the legal nature of local self-government as one of the levels of public power. The Constitution of the Russian Federation proclaimed the autonomy of local authorities from state administration bodies. Such a characteristic in the constitutional norms testifies to the essential specificity of this activity and the social nature of local self-government. The purpose of the study is to determine the legal nature of local self-government on the basis of the legal status enshrined at the constitutional level, in the current legislation and judicial practice, as well as in scientific research. Results. As a result of the conducted research, the authors come to the conclusion about the state nature of the legal nature of local self-government. The constitutional reforms of 2020 allowed local self-government to strengthen its legal position as part of a joint system of public power with state bodies. The municipal government is accountable to the State administration bodies, whose capabilities have recently expanded to interfere in the organization and functioning of local self-government. The authors believe that in the future this will entail the formation of a vector of strengthening state control in the interaction of federal, regional on the one hand and local government institutions on the other.

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About the authors

Helen Ivanovna Volkova

Russian State University of Justice (RSUJ)

Email: gubanle@yandex.ru
Cand.Sci.(Law), associate professor of Department of constitutional law named after N.V. Vitruk Moscow, Russian Federation

Helen Anatol'evna Khapsirokova

Russian State University of Justice (RSUJ)

Email: elena-adzinova@yandex.ru
Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate professor, associate professor of Department of constitutional law named after N.V. Vitruk Moscow, Russian Federation


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