On the Question of Defining the Concept of "Digital Constitutional Human Rights" in the Modern Period of Development of Legal Science

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The scientific article considers issues related to the definition of the concept of "digital constitutional rights of citizens" and their inclusion in the categorical and conceptual apparatus of the science of constitutional law, in the norms of the constitutions of various states. The author offers an interpretation of this concept. Under "digital constitutional rights of citizens", in this scientific article, a set of universal equal opportunities for human behavior enshrined in the norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is meant, and these opportunities determine the procedure for the implementation of individual and joint activities to use digital electronic services, information, digital technologies, digital products, the procedure for guaranteeing protection their rights in the information space. The article proposes ideas, initiatives and suggestions in terms of forecasting the development of digital constitutional human rights that a person currently possesses, using the new information and communication opportunities provided by the global Internet. Conclusions. An analysis of the practice of international legal documents led the author to the conclusion that despite the fact that international organizations are making attempts to regulate relations in this area, work on substantiating digital constitutional norms in some countries is limited to the development of state programs in which normative legal acts are adopted and introduced changes in the norms of sectoral legislation, in other countries the discussion of this problem is only from the perspective of scientific constitutionalists. It is necessary to start work on a comprehensive international program of international legal regulation of relations in the field of digital rights with the involvement of the international legal community, representatives of the science of constitutional law. This will contribute to the development of a categorical and conceptual apparatus in this area of knowledge.

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About the authors

Ilya Victorovich Mikhailichenko

Western branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Email: mihailichenko_iv@mail.ru
Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor at State and Municipal Administration chair Kaliningrad, Russia


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