On Some Aspects of Socio-Criminological Research on Human Trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan

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Purpose of the study. The article considers and analyzes the results of a socio-criminological study conducted on human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The authors substantiate the thesis about the insufficiency of existing measures to combat human trafficking, which determines the need to find the most optimal, modern and timely legislative and law enforcement tools. The paper notes that the study obtained specific results related to the study of the features of the formation and optimization of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the system of crimes related to human trafficking at the international and national levels; ideas, initiatives, proposals, and key results were developed in terms of modeling the policy of countering crimes related to human trafficking and their implementation in scientific and methodological, practical activities of human rights, law enforcement, and international organizations. Results. Within the framework of the study, the authors conclude that the main reasons for the origin of cases of human trafficking in the Republic of Kazakhstan are poverty, limited economic opportunities for access to effective employment, education, a significant difference in the level of economic development between countries and regions within the country, the crisis of the family, family values, domestic violence, the growth of dysfunctional families, general gender inequality, alcoholism, social orphanhood, and peculiarities of mentality. Social status, low level of education, young age, and psychoemotional state are also factors that increase the chances of becoming a victim of human trafficking.

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About the authors

Alimzhan Baurzhanovich Bekmagambetov

National Academy of Education named after I. Altynsarin

Email: adilet1979@mail.ru
Cand.Sci(Law), Professor, Head of the Administrative Department Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan

Alibek Nurmagambetovich Tabuldenov

Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov (KRU)

Email: nauryz18@mail.ru
Cand.Sci.(History), Associate Professor of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Institute of Economics and Law named after P. Chuzhinov Kostanai, Republic of Kazakhstan

Diana Serikovna Batyrbekova

Kostanay regional University named after A. Baitursynov (KRU)

Email: diana.batyrbekova.92@mail.ru
Senior lecturer of the Department of Theory of State and Law of the Institute of Economics and Law named after P. Chuzhinov Kostanai, Republic of Kazakhstan

Ruslanbek Kanatovich Suleimenov


Email: r.suleimenov@marketingcenter.kz
analyst Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan


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