Problems of Efficiency of the State Service

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The article examines the issues of the effectiveness of the activities of civil servants, where the quality of public administration directly depends on the system of legal regulation. And here the main role is played by the law-making activity of the executive authorities and their officials, which is aimed at the formation of the legal space, legal support of state policy, compliance with the law, creation of conditions for the realization of the rights, legitimate interests and duties of citizens. Since the qualitative and correct solution by the state authorities of economic, political, social tasks largely depends on the specific activities of civil servants. The purpose of the presented study is to consider issues arising in this area regarding the effectiveness of the civil service as a whole, its types and levels, optimization of costs for civil servants and the development of resource support for the civil service. Since the competent organization of the activities of the executive authorities, the delineation of their powers, the use of modern management technologies, the construction of a high-quality civil service system, as well as the effectiveness of legal regulation ensure the achievement of the goals of public administration, have a significant impact on the development of the country and, as consequence, on the quality of life of our citizens. Based on the study, the authors come to the conclusion that the public service is the initial element of the public administration system. The organization and construction of effective bodies of state power is unthinkable without the formation of a high-quality system of public service. The system of public service is entrusted with the most important functions of public administration, the implementation of which is necessary to ensure the existence of the state.

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About the authors

Ivan Petrovich Kravets

Volga State University of Water Transport

Management and Law, Department of State Law Disciplines Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

Anastasia Sergeevna Permicheva

Volga State University of Water Transport

specialist in educational and methodological work of the State and Legal Disciplines Department, Institute of Economics, Management and Law, Department of State and Legal Disciplines. Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia


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