The Main Preventive Measures Aimed at Countering Youth Extremism Carried Out in the Rostov Region

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The article deals with one of the important problems of our time - youth extremism. The authors pay special attention to the scale of the spread of extremist ideas among young people, changes in the dynamics and tactics of acts committed by extremist-minded young people, and the alarming trend of increasing deaths as a result of nationalistically motivated violence. The prerequisites for the formation are analyzed and the features of modern youth extremism are highlighted. Special emphasis is placed on determining the specifics of specific cases of youth extremism in the Rostov region. The legal policy, information and educational activities carried out in the region, stimulating the involvement of young people in positive social processes at the local level, allow effective implementation of basic preventive measures aimed at preventing the spread of extremist ideas among young people.

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About the authors

Elena Vladimirovna Seregina

Russian State University of Justice, Rostov branch

Cand.Sci.(Law), Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law, T Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Ashur Richardovich Zakharov

Prosecutor's Office of the Rostov Region

public assistant in the Department for Supervision of the execution of Federal Legislation Rostov-on-Don, Russia


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