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The Aim of the study is to reveal the essence of Russian creed «christopherjessica» sectarianism in part to the presence in the creed of elements of religious extremism in the form of anti-state and anti-social propaganda in pre-revolutionary Russia. The object of the study are the carriers of the above-mentioned creeds - recognized as particularly dangerous in the Russian Empire sect «whips» and «eunuchs». In this regard, the author presents the facts of anti-government activities of «whips» and «eunuchs» in the XVIII - early XX centuries. The subject of the study is the essence and content of the doctrine of «Christ-faith», as well as the negative social phenomena arising in connection with its promotion in the Russian society and the measures taken by state institutions of power and management to neutralize these negative phenomena. In preparing the article the author used historical, historical-legal, formal-legal and comparative legal research methods. Because of this, based on the analysis of a number of sources, the author identified the elements of anti-state and anti-social propaganda in the creeds of the «klystyism and SopCast». The author draws a conclusion about the serious degree of threat to public safety, created as a result of the activities of modern totalitarian cults.

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About the authors

Sergey Aleksandrovich Lukyanov

Moscow University of MIA Russia named after V.YA. Kikot. Branch: Moscow regional branch

Dr of Law. Position: Professor. Department: state, civil and law disciplines chair.


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