Criminalistic prediction and criminalistic prevention of cyber crimes in the field of healthcare

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The aim of the work is to deal with the current state of the problem of cybersecurity of healthcare institutions in the context of the widespread introduction of information and telecommunication technologies in medical practice. It has been shown that medical institutions are very vulnerable to cyber attacks, which have already become a reality today. The forensic signs of crimes committed through cyber attacks on health care institutions have been investigated; a prognostic model of the forensic characteristics of the corresponding crimes has been developed. Taking into account the experience gained in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, an opinion was expressed on the advisability of developing legal acts related to countering cyber attacks on medical institutions in special situations (in an emergency, in a situation of high alert). A complex of systemic, multilevel preventive measures to ensure the cybersecurity of medical institutions is presented. It has been substantiated that until a serious restructuring of the entire work in the field of information security in the healthcare sector and the creation of appropriate guarantees, it is unacceptable to adopt any legal acts that promote access to medical data and potentially create a risk of their unauthorized use.

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About the authors

Irina Olegovna Perepechina

Lomonosov Moscow State University

Dr Sci (Med.), Professor, Member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Legal Faculty

Dmitry Vladimirovich Perepechin

N. Lopatkin Scientific Research Institute of Urology and Interventional Radiology - branch of the National Medical Research Radiologiсal Center of the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation

PhD (Med.), Senior Researcher, Advisor of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences


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